What my interview made me learn

As some of you know and it's stated on my profile, I have a position in a cultural organization in my province and I'm involved in a lot...
2 3

Some Of My Favorite Music Artists

1) Michael Jackson https://www.youtube.com/embed/p0PtbYNqlT0 2) Jason Derulo https://www.youtube.com/embed/byp94CCWKSI 3) Pink...
6 17

13 Favorite Movies From 2018

I am a movie buff but I don't always follow the normal paths. It is possible because I have watched so many. and this list is all about...
14 22

Why Poetry Is An Art Worthy Of Respect And Study

All too often you might find that crude language poses to much vageries to accurately describe what you're feeling, a certain situation,...
5 3

Ten Male Singers With Phenomenal Falsetto

Following a suggestion for another user, I decided I'd do another one of these singer takes, this time documenting some of the greatest...
1 6

Stephen Reviews: Disenchantment

I first asked about this show a few days ago stating did Matt Groening really need another show. Upon rewatching the series I found out...
4 4

Ten Great Singers With Low Voices

Ah, the low male voice. Prized in choral music but an underused asset in the modern musical world. I'm an unabashed lover of a good...
6 7

Why does it seem like so many women are SJWs nowadays and get offended easily?

Its like every women wants to be an activist for a career and just a professional victim. I see some guys do it to but definitely a lot...

Which one would you be?

Who do you align with more?

What types of people hobbies do you think are interesting to watch an learn?

say 1 thing you would love to learn from a master crafter
4 1

Do you ever have these kind of dreams? If so please explain what they are like for you?

A dream that is something you like wish to happen. Like lets say Sexual Dreams or Wishful dreams.
0 2

Guess who's birthday is today?

ItsI adam Levines birthday 😍😍
6 0

Is anyone else really worried Captain America is going to die in endgame?

I would honestly rather they killed off, Iron Man, Thor, Pepper Potts, and Black Widow combined than kill off Cap. I don't want...
5 9

Would you auction yourself off for charity?

Would you auction yourself off for charity if you were asked... that is the opposite sex bids on you for charity and wins... well a...
10 5

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