I Am One Bad-Ass Vegan!


I am a vegan, and I love that. I am not a food nazi, a food nazi is one who puts a race in cages and and slauter house's for food it is most commonly done with the animal race. I know thatto you guys it's just a meal but, to them it is there entire exticence veganisam is worth all of the judgment and arguments and critsiom I don't give a damn what your religion says if your religion tells you that it is okay to kill that is a fucked up religion!

Your probably thinking "this crazy vegan! Yelling me my diet is wrong" because yes it is wrong to kill!! For food and may i ask why is it okay for you to love Kitty's and puppys but not to love cows and pigs. Its disgusting!! And the only reason you ser going to talk back is because you know thst it id wrong! And it makes you feel guilty, and don't start calling me crazy! Because you know what is crazy is eating and torchering the animal race animals have lives plants have no lives and don't tellvme that is being a hipocrict the only time you can tell me I am a a hip

ocrite is if you stop eating fucking animals!! I have got in into so many fights with my family because I am a vegan!! One side of my family stopped talking to me all together I have been a vegan since I was thirteen and I am never going back!!

I am one bad ass vegain!!

I Am One Bad-Ass Vegan!
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