What skinny jeans depate? Everyday challenges of the ( Feminine Male ) And how society can, and will. Crush confidence and comfort. What this makes us


Something you ALL, have heard of......
a guy wearing skinny pants. (OMG)

The debate wether one should wear something or not, and every ones opinions.
See this is what I hate about this world.
I can't be me without being pissed on.

What skinny jeans depate? Everyday challenges of the ( Feminine Male ) And how society can, and will. Crush confidence and comfort. What this makes us

Naturally I feel more confident, comfortable, and most importantly happy with skinny/slims pants.
But unfortunately, I can't leave my house.
i get pointed at, laughed at, judged by people.
left to force myself into pants that parachute and and heat up by friction simply by walking.
Like a stick and a stone. But that's normal.

I am not implying at all.. What so ever, that all guys should be a certain way. But that we shouldn't be judged for this manly man stereotype that is dramatically over estimated.

I'm unfortunately far from the manly man sterio type. Many would say.

and trying to act like this manly man, turned me into a bitter man.

Sensitive, caring, kind, attributes that are labeled.

Manly men, seem to be the group of guys who are construction workers that watch girls walk down streets and say " I would tap that " as everyone followed up with a witty scumbag reply. And I suppose this is who I should be more like.

Labels, everywhere we look.

we have been brainwashed to label.

like it or not, people judge...

And to be completely honest, it doesn't surprise me one bit that there are more and more sex changes as the years roll by.

Society says I'm a girl.

When I'm just being me.

Being forced to hide my "feminine" side when all it is, the fact that that's just the person I am.

Than being judged for it.

I think we should all care a little more about our own lives and a little less about other peoples.

Everyones different, be who you are.

only if everyone cared a little less about who other people are.

Some places in this would would imprison a male for simply wearing skinny jeans. If you believe, or even joke about this "fashion trend" of people expressing themselves how they choose and what makes them comfortable. Head to ISIS, you may be more comfortable there.

On that note, hate will be found everywhere you look for it.

In the end of it all...

If we feel the need to make fun of and talk behind other people's back for what makes others comfortable and happy aside from others opinions. I guess we're just like Isis.

without the killing, arresting, raping and carnage.

If you're criticism was the leader of our worlds.

If we treated everyone as equals no matter of their preferances.

This is one blog, that will dissolve into the World Wide Web. And self destruct in 10 seconds.

9,8,7,6,6,4,3.2 wake up...

What skinny jeans depate? Everyday challenges of the ( Feminine Male ) And how society can, and will. Crush confidence and comfort. What this makes us
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