I'm Pro Plastic Surgery

BeeNee a
I'm Pro Plastic Surgery

To start off, no, I've never had plastic surgery, but that doesn't mean in the future I won't or that I think other people shouldn't if they want it. With the debate on plastic surgery, you usually have team, work with what life or God gave you, and team, if it's broken, fix it, and I of course, am on team, if it's broken, fix it.

When I consider what a vast majority of women in particular do to themselves already, my first thought is, how is plastic surgery any different? What, between fake hair extensions, fake nails, bras and underwear that add boobs and butts that aren't there, make-up, fake contacts, fake teeth implants, spanx that suck and tuck everything---most women have gone low key plastic surgery for years, and if you're going to get pissy about someone wanting a nose job, but give no flack about all the rest, I think it's a situation where the pot is calling the kettle black.

I'm Pro Plastic Surgery

We're living in a world where there are some clear advantages given to the most attractive among us. You have only to read a few takes and questions about how someone's self-esteem is shot down and they hate themselves because of constant teasing about this or that. It's fine to be like, love yourself, oh and you should love yourself, but if you don't, and this is something that can help you, why not?

Now I for one, grew up like a lot of kids, with a mangled set of teeth. Sure, it's what life gave me, but in reality, I didn't want to go through life never smiling due to embarrassment, so I got braces. So did like 90% of my friends, even some now as adults. We know a good set of teeth, a bright smile, is an advantage, but we don't harp on people who do this type of work even though it is just as permanent as someone getting a new set of boobs, or pinning their ears back. You also have reconstructive plastic surgery---that's not necessary most time for a person to be able to keep on living, but no one is going to begrudge someone from reconstructing a breast or their face after cancer or injury--yet, that's not natural either.

I'm Pro Plastic Surgery

Whether you get plastic surgery to lift your self esteem, or repair damage that's been done by illness or injury, or for whatever reason, that's someone's personal choice. You can't tell someone what's going to make them happy or will give them their self-esteem back. The only time I would ever be against this, is if we're talking a child, someone under 18, because the body is still growing and often times, people do grow into their shapes or body parts at an older age due to puberty, but other than that, live your life, get plastic surgery if it's what you want.

I'm Pro Plastic Surgery
47 Opinion