Games to play with your partner for fun and connection

Playing games with your partner is a fantastic way to spend quality time together, break the routine, and strengthen your relationship....
4 12

Cultural Appreciation vs Cultural Appropriation

This is a topic that I covered with some diverse friends where I honestly learned so much. This is a reoccurring problem that happens...
3 20

The American Bubble: Get Out and Stay Out!

The strange thing about American’s to perhaps some foreigners, is that we may come off as too in your face, to in your business, too...
5 13

Why Women Love The Alpha Male

The idea that women are universally attracted to "Alpha Males" is a stereotype and doesn't accurately represent the complexities of...
11 22

When You’re Doing The Most

How would YOU define or differentiate between these five words— territorial, jealous, possessive, clingy, overprotective? Would you...
2 24

Spring into bloom: 5 plants to freshen up your home

Spring has arrived! It is a beautiful time of year when everything starts to grow and bloom again. It's a perfect time to bring some of...
2 9

Everthing You Need to Know About Oscars 2024

Hey, if you're feeling left behind by too much information about the Oscars, this MyTake has got you covered. Here, you'll find all the...
6 8

Do you have an embarassing crush, love story?

I do. I really really like this girl when i was younger. i was crushing pretty bad that i when i eventually had the courage to ask her...

What are filipinos mixed with?

I read that during colonial times they mixed with Mexicans. Is that true?

When do toddlers calm down?

My friend's toddler is having very nosiy tantrums and the child psychologist said that is normal in his age (3). But it comes to a point...

Why are some people so afraid to take a chance, on love or friendships?

I met a woman who I’ll call *Julia.*. Julia got my contact details through a mutual acquaintance on Facebook and said she was seeking a...

Why do women find bad boys attractive?

Why don't they find polite men attractive?

Do you agree that in general conventionally good looking men are more successful with women than conventionally normal or bad-looking guys?

I always tell people that the vast majority of good looking guys I know are successful with women and the normal and not so good looking...
2 4

Do you think you’ll find love?

I have a feeling I won’t 😞
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What are your must play best single player PC games?

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Why my boyfriend insults my intelligence?

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I’m curious what your thoughts are. For me, I want to do separate
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