The most charming thing you could ever say.


What is up everyone, hope your having an awesome day being a badass. This is for those action takers who want to have a good piece of knowledge in the back of their heads. The reason why this is one of the most charming things you could ever say, is because so many guys will say the wrong thing. About 99% of guys will say someone that's just fucking stupid in the situation. You do not want to be that guys. So your probably wondering what the most charming thing you could ever say is, well I'm about to tell you.

The most charming thing you could ever say.

A few years back I was in a bar hanging out with a few girls. I got up and walked to the bathroom and saw this girl who I had a flirty little friendship with. I couldn't tell what the fuck she was doing, she had clenex in her hand and was bloting her nose. What's cool about this girl is she doesn't give a fuck about what anyone thinks about her. I walk up to her and ask her what she's doing, she says "my nose is so oily! It looks so bad, I'm trying to get the oil off!". In most situations guys wouldn't know what to say, some would bullshit and say "oh know you don't have oil on your nose it looks great!" Which you both know is bullshit. Or you may pook at her insecurity which is NEVER a good thing. In certain situations it is great to tease and be playful with a girl, this is not one of them. This is what you want to say, "how did you know I liked girls with oily noses? Like that's the ONE thing that's drives me crazy". This response is FUCKING golden because so many guys get it wrong. Your taking her insecurity and turning it into something she can laugh about, she knows the you don't give a shit about her oily nose or whatever insecurity it may be.

This is is a short my take, just wanted to drop some killer Info for all you guys.


The most charming thing you could ever say.
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