How to Land your Crush


How to Land your Crush Tips

How to Land your Crush

A common mistake, when flirting with someone, is to go straight to them. This won’t work. Make sure to be the ‘mysterious’ type. Present yourself in the spotlight, make sure your crush notices you, but ignore them at all cost. Slowly, but surely, their interest will grow and ultimately lead to your dreams becoming a reality. You will land your crush by some of these tips.

How to Land your Crush

Be Honest Be Yourself

Nobody is going to be happy if they can't be themselves. So show him your good points and always be the real you. Lies always catch up to you..

Smell is key

You want your crush to quickly fall in love with you, make sure to wear the right aroma around him. Men are attracted to food smells like cucumber, vanilla, and citrus.

Be Clean

While we are on the topic of aromas, we should also mention that you must shower regularly. Even if you don’t do it often, make sure to be clean and well groomed for your crush. Whether a boy or a girl.

Think Strategic

Plan your actions in advance and always act with confidence you won’t make your crush fall in love with you just by standing there and looking at them.

Encourage Them

Similar to the ‘Ignore them’ tip, this one focuses on the way our brain works. The more you encourage someone to think of you, the higher the chance of them falling in love with you. So sending them cute messages isn't always aa bad thing.

How to Land your Crush

Stand Out from the Group

Be different from other women. If many women are competing for his attention and are trying very hard to make him fall in love with them, differentiation will definitely give you the cutting edge. Give or show him tangible or intangible evidence to suggest that you are the best option for him.

Let Him Miss You

I know if you’re falling for this guy, you want to spend every waking moment with him. And maybe he wants that too. But let’s ease into that 24/7 type of relationship.

How to Land your Crush

Make Eye Contact

Always make contact with your crush.Instead of looking away like most people usually, look at him directly, smile and wink. It will show you’re incredibly confident and if he has any balls, he’ll then come talk to you.

Be Mysterious

Never lay everything out on the table if you want him to fall in love with you. Men love mysterious girls, and they will try their hardest to crack your code. In the beginning, keep your conversations casual, and don't go too deep into your life story, fears, dreams, and goals.

Red Alert

Stock up on everything red, because recent studies have found that men describe women wearing red as sexier than women wearing any other color. If you want your crush to notice you wear more red.

How to Land your Crush
How to Land your Crush
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