Why Women Seem Creepy or Intimidating to Some Guys


My dudes you have to understand something. There is a certain dynamic between the sexes which one cannot escape from. What men find intimidating is supposed to be there anyway. I'll explain

Why Women Seem Creepy or Intimidating to Some Guys

Guys, you have to understand that women naturally broadcast some sexual tension. This tension is almost always present around guys they are subcosnciously attracted to and its unavoidable. The only thing you can do, is face it. Even if you don't want to, you face it anyway, with your subcommunications and body language.

So what about this ever present tension? It's a reactive force that causes a reaction, what reaction will that be, almost solely depends on your state of consciousness. In simple words, how you will react to that tension is on you for the most part.

Why Women Seem Creepy or Intimidating to Some Guys

Let me give you an example. I was sitting in a cafe which offers sandwiches. And noticed a guy entering and going to the girl to order (it was self service when ordering). The girl was obviously attracted to him and she was playful and gave him a naughty smirk. The guy was caught by surprise, maybe weirded out a bit or even embarassed (he could be a virgin who knows) and instantly lowered his eyes and changed tone of his voice. The girl was infuriated and changed stance completely towards him and while she was making his sandwich she was angrily singing loud, and when she came near his table to serve it she acted a bit crazy.

Why Women Seem Creepy or Intimidating to Some Guys

While yes, I know the last part was bitchy and immature and it was on her for the most part, the truth is the guy's reaction had a huge role in it. She felt bad and weirded and dissapointed maybe doubted herself and her choices when she received such a "bad response". Especially considering he looked above 25. This tension will always be there, how you handle it is on you guys. There will always be this electrifying dynamic between the genders. I don't think there is a truly neutral stance against it except if you are some guru of some sort. It's either an acceptive energetic response that confidently knows to handle this tension, or one that breaks your spirit. Some girls have subtle signs some less subtly but for most its the same. It's this forcefield around a woman, which a "true man" knows how to handle with no problems.

Why Women Seem Creepy or Intimidating to Some Guys

This tension sort of exists in sales, business, and is connected with success of all kinds. So you want to learn how to handle it in all facets of life. Some men are afraid of this tension some even love it and seek it. I think the second category tends to do much better with the opposite gender.

I hope this helped somewhat and wish you good luck with your encounters with women next time.

Why Women Seem Creepy or Intimidating to Some Guys
86 Opinion