Dear Women, Being Hit On Isn’t That Big Of A Deal


Hi. Yeah. Someone asked me after I made some mytakes shitting on silly guy behaviour to do one targeting silly female behaviour. I’m all for #equality so I figured, why not?

This is a topic that is going to trigger a lot of people. So, as usual, here’s my typical warning letting you know if you’re sensitive, this likely isn’t the material you want to read. If you want to disagree, you can go ahead.

I don't like Amy Schuemer, but this photo fits.
I don't like Amy Schuemer, but this photo fits.

This subject is touchy even for me because I’ve been the victim of harassment and such before. The thing is though, I realize the difference between actual harassment and simply not enjoying being hit on by someone I’m not interested in. A lot of women these days don’t understand the difference, and with the #metoo movement gaining traction, I feel it’s both helped and hindered women. It’s helped many get their stories out there, but it’s also made women further take on a victim mentality and hyper-analyze their previous interactions with the opposite sex.

Suddenly, everything is harassment. A man saying: “Hello beautiful,” on the streets is now considered harassment by a lot of women. A guy looking at you and smiling can be considered harassment. A guy asking you out is often labeled a “creepy stalker.” Some women just take this shit too far with a high tendency to lump all men in with evil, sex-crazed perverts.

But … can we have a moment of harsh honesty? The women who complain about men simply calling them beautiful and asking for their number … are kind of spoiled.

These same women would likely suffer from low self-esteem if the opposite sex refused to acknowledge them in any kind of way – you see them on G@G all the time.

“All my friends get hit on but me, am I ugly?”

I’ve experienced this behaviour first-hand. Go to a bar with a group of girls some time, and you’ll see it too. It everyone in the group is being offered drinks and to dance except one girl, even if said girl isn’t there to hookup, she’s going to have a permanent pout on her face. Even if she isn’t necessarily devastated, she will wonder: “Are my friends prettier than me or something?”

Why? Because whether we want to admit it or not, as women, most of us like being regarded as attractive, especially by men. Having that approval assures us that we aren’t the bottom-of-the-barrel, that on the attractiveness totem pole, we have a little height and sway.

This doesn’t necessarily mean the only reason women try to look attractive is for men, but having a man regard you as beautiful isn’t a negative thing either. It just reassures us that we’ve got something going on.

However, bitches still complain.

“Oh my god, all of these guys are asking me out, it’s so stressful. Like, I just wanna be left alone.”

Oh shit, the woes of being HOT. It must be so difficult to be desired by the opposite sex, you poor thing. What a cruel, cruel world we live in…

*Looks over in the corner to see a bunch of very average girls slapping their foreheads*

Listen, I agree it’s wrong for dudes to yell sexual shit in public. I agree it’s wrong for someone to grope you or proposition you for sex in a situation where it’s clearly NOT appropriate. There’s a time and a place to hit on a person, and not all guys understand this. However, this doesn’t mean you need to demonize the guy who says hello, pays you a compliment and kindly asks you for your phone-number.

ALSO! A guy isn’t creepy just for asking you out. Creep-shaming is literally the male equivalent to slut-shaming. If a guy is unattractive, maybe a bit shy or socially awkward, there are girls out there who just RAG on them for being creeps. I’ve seen it in my own female friends, forcing me to shake them out of their self-righteous bullshittery.

The same guy could ask you out in the same way, and if he was HOT, you’d be TOTALLY okay with it.

A guy being ugly, awkward, or a little quiet doesn’t make him a creep. You stringing him along, not giving him a direct answer to his multiple requests to ask you out, doesn’t make him a stalker. It makes you a passive-aggressive, spineless woman who is clearly loving being pursued by someone. If he was genuinely bothering you, you would tell someone or simply give him a straight “no.” But instead, you simply say “you’re busy” or “maybe another time” to keep the poor guy chasing you for the sake of your fat ego.

So, a little advice for guys: don’t stop approaching women just because you see them complain. Just be intelligent about it. Choose appropriate places to approach (public places in the day time usually) and be friendly, cordial, and if she says no, smile and move on. You’re not a creepy pervert just because you see a woman as attractive. Just be polite, don’t sexualize the ever-loving shit out of her, and you should be safe. No need to go MGTOW. There are women out there, like me, who appreciate your compliments and your efforts.

~ Love Jane.

Dear Women, Being Hit On Isn’t That Big Of A Deal
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