How to make all guys respect you!

How to make all guys respect you!

To all women out here reading this Take, I will tell you how to get guys to respect you, no bullshit tips. I see women worrying about their relationships with their baby boy and those women who questions why guys disrespect them. Firstly, I just wanna urge you to follow these tips as it is super important. Secondly, respect comes when you create it for yourself, and not by seeking for it.

Here are 5 tips you can earn respect and it's not what you think.

1.) Don't respect guys

You might think I'm kidding, but I'm not. In fact guys are irresponsible and entitled, that's why I say this. Imagine you having to give your heart to a person who will take it for granted and act as if you're his property. Seriously, don't respect men, even if he's a nice guy since nice guys as we know it are creeps, desperate, entitles, immature, needy, pervs and rapists. They are usually introverted, shy, quiet, a loner and they usually don't have a good self-esteem. Guys are the reason why rape is increasing and the population of the world increases, so even if they earn your respect, don't give it to them.

2.) Make fun of the women who do

I will not advice these types of girls to follow through the given tips since they itch to have a boyfriend and all in all, they're just clingy and desperate like those nice guys. Well guess what, there's nothing more annoying than a girl who wants attention let alone give importance to their relationships. The best thing to do is always use the no contact rule as a decent woman, even when you're in a relationship. Remember, it's the guy who should give more importance to the relationship, not women. It takes two to tango and rather than worry about losing him, make him worry about losing you instead. If he ever gets insecure when he sees you don't care, dump him because you ain't no one's property. Never settle for any guy, good nor bad. Do make the guy suffer even when you say you love him. Actually, when he says "I love you!" just reply "Thanks, I love me too! (insert middle finger emoji)" and go back to what you're doing. If he ever ends the relationship because of that, only then you know he's uncut. Part of earning respect from guys is not feeling obliged to have anything to do with other people's courtesy. It's their choice to be courteous and you didn't need it to begin with.

3.) Be sexy, intelligent, strong and independent

And by that I mean, never forget to respect yourself as a woman. Prioritize yourself and do what you always wanted to do whether it be sports, traveling, partying, shopping or creating a business and be the boss of it (though I won't advise you to hookup because it will keep you from earning respect). Like I said real women don't settle, so shut your heart from men. Never stop improving yourself as an individual and do it to no one but yourself. Take pride of your promiscuity and don't feel sorry for being rude. There's no problem being selfish in life and the same goes even when someone loves you.

4.) If any guy tries to come close to you, kick them directly to the nuts

Not only that, but rather spit on them, step on them like a doormat and spray paint on their creepy ass faces literally. Never hesitate to threaten to cut their testicles and shame them in public if you want. Guys desire a woman who will do this and the more you intimidate them, the more they'll come home crying like helpless little babies wondering how they can work for you.

5.) Make a lot of female friends

Yes, only female friends. No friends from other gender, only women. Remember, women are the only ones you can rely on when it comes to sharing emotions because only women are permitted to feel with the option to also be strong and even having no emotions while guys are prohibited to show feelings. Besides, why do you want to have anything to do with men? For them to use you for their insecurities? To take you for granted? And at the same time, isn't it disgusting seeing a grown ass man cry and he's sucking another male private part only because he finds society a double standard? That's effeminate and you don't want to be with someone who acts like the world revolves around them. So start acting like a hunter for you rather than the gatherer aka a house wife since it's the time of feminists. When you have female friends, you give off the impression that you're an extrovert and an alpha female who will never settle for any guy.

To all you guys reading this, I know that you will hate me for writing this. F you, and quit acting so entitled just because you couldn't get a girlfriend or your partner is taking you for granted. Because let's face it, you might desire us women, but we don't desire you. You might find yourselves having to seek for a therapist after this Take because I'm sure you're going to project your insecurities here.

Sincerely yours


How to make all guys respect you!
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