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myTakes: Girl's Behavior

Guys! How to not be unattractive to the opposite sex.

Things Men Do That Women Find Unattractive If you’re a man, you might have wondered what women find unattractive. Maybe you have a date and want to know what you should avoid. Or perhaps your girlfriend or wife has...

Psychology facts about girls #females #psychology #mustread

Top psychological facts about girls Let’s talk about all things girls. From how fast they develop to their favorite color, this interesting insight will teach a few things you might not have known about girls. These...

Why are men acting like we are delusional because we chose bears? They have been mistreating us for centuries and still act like vicitms.

A man will literally expect you to give away your feminine energy, your body, and your time just to ask you to split the bill and do it all while working a job otherwise you're 'useless' and you don't contribute, even...

Every woman has a past.

Every woman has a past. Many women were physically abused. Many parents used to beat them. Some had problems related to adolescence. Many were sexually abused in childhood by their own family members. Ishq did not come to...

Sanitary Pads: Sanitary pads were made for men, know where boys used to wear them.

Sanitary Pads: The first thing that comes to mind when the name of sanitary pad comes is women and the problems they face during menstruation. But what would you say if we said that sanitary pads were not designed for...

Things Girls Expect From The Guy She Loves Badly

Cuddling Every girl in this world loves it when her quy cuddles with her and treats her like a baby.It gives them a nice feeling. Public display of affection Girls love it when her guy shows love to her in front of...

Feminism: Real vs Corrupted.

Real: Strives to be equal with all genders (men, women, others). Corrupted : Seeks superiority. Real: Doesn't force you to leave your seat. Corrupted: Manipulates you to leave your seat because she is a woman. Real:...

What Do Guys Want to Know About Girls?

There are always questions we have about the opposite sex. It bothers us, we need to know, we don't understand, so here are a few. As per usual, I DO NOT SPEAK FOR ALL WOMEN, just my own experience, so chill if you...

Ek Villain Adds New Dimensions To The Good Girl Hypothesis!

Indian Movie Shows Realistic Good Girls : **extreme archetypes alert!! Ek Villain, CHARACTERS; RAKESH submissive guy is a murderer SULLU "he brought me fake jewellery! the audacity!" form of good girl AISHA do...

Girls who feel bad about their bodies.

For girls who feel bad about their bodies, An intelligent man does not like the woman with the most beautiful and attractive body, the woman who helps him to advance in life as a person, who helps him climb to the top...

Guys, soo, about lady treatment... How do ladies want to be treated?

It varies from lady to lady. The only way to get a really raw answer is to ask her straight out,if you have the balls. But,the extremes of lady treatment are full on gentleman, or no different from the boys. There are in...

What is the Allure & Mystery of younger women dating older men? Why is it frowned upon by so many people, especially the Religious crowd?

I grew up in Atlanta and Decatur, GA. All my gfs liked older men, often had crushes on the dads and stepdads. We were all low income, often with a single mom or a stepdad. Too many brothers and sisters in the...

What do teenage girls think about guys?

I try not to talk about em too much. One dimensional character girls stereotypes hurt me bad. But honestly? I love em. The ones around me are great people. So what. Yeah, I also have 'cute boys' in my Google search...

Love ❤️ Hormone!

Love Hormone: Love Hormone: Oxytocin (Why do we love?) Oxytocin is a pampering love hormone. Whenever we are lovingly hugged, cuddled, or touched by the body, the hormone oxytocin leaks out of the pituitary gland. It is...

The very simple psychology of women’s attraction, in a nutshell!

This might be a lot shorter than you expected, but it’s true for most women. Sometimes, or rather, a lot of the time, women tend to fall for the cute guys. But usually, their infatuation with cute guys or hot guys will...

A Few Things I Must Confess

This 'MyTake' is going to be different from most, it's going to be a confessional. Over the years I've made some really bad mistakes, did some really stupid things and, what's worse, from most of those mistakes I haven't...

Selfish Vs Rational (a child free take)

Selfish women VS Rational women A lot of y'all assume all feminists and pro choice women are the worst. I understand there's a bit of an overlap and some females may come off plain harsh sometimes which helps you...

Girls, 10 Things All Women Should Try

1. Stop Apologizing for Everything We are so conditioned to apologize and say sorry, but we aren't apologizing for wrongs we have done. I literally accidentally ran into the shopping cart of another woman the other...

Guys, Pointers For Single Men!

Are you too nervous to ask a woman out? Do you wonder why there's no second date in order? Do you feel you're unfairly judged by women? Well, here are some pointers to take care of! These are the traits of a man women...
Home Chats

And my body dysmorphia kicks in again...

In this day and age it seems very common practice for people to have surgery and procedures done to their face and body. As well as Facetune and edit their photos on social media to look a certain way. And suddenly...