GaG Mods abuse power?

Do Americans still value the SPIRIT of the 1st Ammendment ?
Do Americans still value the SPIRIT of the 1st Ammendment ?

I came across titled "How can I report someone and there post to admin?" It read:

"I am angry at this person and their post is very offensive to those of use who have been raped as a rape survivor his post has really upset me that I am literally in tears right now"

I replied

How about you stay off their post and stop being a whiny baby?"

You don't deserve to be raped. No one does. Not saying you shouldn't do an audit and see if you played a hand in putting yourself in a bad spot so you can better learn to avoid bad situations in the future but ultimately it is not your fault. What is your fault is acting like a crybaby over someone else post which you don't have to interact with? Don't kill yourself but do stop being a snowflake

EmmaMaryGuru Age 26; the mod in question asked :
@IIGrifterSixII Please do explain to me just how she is being (in your words) a "snowflake".

No longer addressing ANON but rather answering the MOD directly I say:

@EmmaMary Maybe you missed the memo in kindergarten but no one likes a tattletale. As an adult, she should develop some better coping strategies. Its a post, she CLICKED on it. If she didn't like it move on but instead she makes her own post about how mean and insensitive someone is as if everyone has to give a damn about her particular trauma. This kind of self-centered indulgence generally leads to censorship. Censorship is the antithesis of the free sharing of ideas which correct me if I'm wrong is one of the tenents of a site like GAG

This didn't seem to sit well with the MOD who asked for both my attention and reply.

So this ANON Asker who wasn't forced to click on the post goes on said post gets butthurt creates her own post in the public forum which invites reponses. @EmmaMary with all the bias of her gender sides with ANON and has my posts censored and I can only imagine sets a strike or two against me for daring to have an opinion that isn't sensitive

Did I call ANON any name found outside of grade school that no grown person should be crippled by? NO. DID I blame her for getting Raped? No, as a matter of fact I gave her a tip to avoid it in the future. Are we all obliged to feel bad for EVERY Victim... NO. They are OUR feelings and we are entitled to them. The worlds a tough place, everyone has had their life shattering issues. Suck it up it doesn't make you special.

My question to you is Should MODS allow their personal feelings or politics get in the way of fair and balanced moderation? Is GaG supposed to be a place for the free exchange of ideas...or an echo chamber. Should Censorship be used so flipantly and heavy handed? I don't know thats for the community to decide.

Undeniably Im not the nicest person sure but if you look at my posts I've been equal parts kind and prickish to guys and girls alike but always honest and generally contributed something to the convo. This ANON asker claimed she was gonna kill herself because people are mean... Wah! How soft do you have to be ? Maybe Ill get all said and kill myself because @EmmaMary was mean and hurt my feeling by singling me out and deleting my comments Pbfft.

Maybe the real question is AITA for trying to stand against censorship?


GaG Mods abuse power?
2 Opinion