The life Of An Incel

Like all things in life, there's an ebb and flow, a cycle to the mind of an Incel. In the beginning, when we're young, the rhythmic...
1 4

How to attract women with your appearance and how not to

Hello dear friends! I'm posting this because I've seen so many anonymous guys asking "Ladies, how do I attract women?" Well let me help...
1 11

3 Things guys do that melt us ladies' hearts

There are so many little things I've seen guys do that just seal the deal for me, but I've chosen three things that most definitely make...
0 3

Bitter Incel Rage

Bitter Incel Rage Incels Today The Incels exist today primarily as an online subculture. They are full of Bitter Incel Rage, espousing...
6 51

Irritable Male Syndrome

Irritable Male Syndrome Stressed out? Grumpy? Moody? If you're a guy and these words describe your mental state, you may be suffering...
8 22

Why I'm proud to be a sensitive guy.

Hi guys, so in this Take there will not be much relevance to other myTakes that are popular but I just wanna share to you why I'm not...
8 7

Confident VS Stuck Up: The BIG Difference!

This one's for the guys who all try to say that confident and conceited are the same, that is, yep, because conceit doesn't get the...
2 28

Why does my ex still send me streak snaps?

Hi! My ex is still sending me streaksnaps (good morning, good night, videoes...). We do not have a snap streak, and i have not...

Linkedin question for guys?

Guys, do you use LinkedIn to flirt?

Guys, can you fall for a married woman?

Here is the breakdown of my situation. Guy =21(single. Never had a girlfriend) Girl= 30 (taken) His & Her Relationship= Been...

Why does he turn up in the same places as me?

He's an ex - dated for a short while before loving away. I travel all over the country to scenic spots (not local) and I keep seeing...

Does he like me or her... i'm confused?

So up to now I thought my guy friend likes me. But I think he may like another friend of ours? she has a boyfriend though and I'm 95%...

Guy snapchatting really inconsistently?

So there's this guy I'm snapchatting with. I'm sort of into him but really trying to not get my hopes up. I know he's into me too, at...

Is it normal that I'm starting to hate men?

I don't know. Just with everything I've been through I am finding it harder and harder to open up to a man. I hate myself that I got to...
20 51

True or false? High value men don’t chase women? They focus on developing themselves first?

The reason they are chasing is because they are desperate for that validation right? I’ll speak from my own personal experience...
2 0

When a girl rejects you, why ask the reason if you can’t take it? Would you prefer her to lie to conserve your feelings?

So a guy asked me out last night who is definitely not my type. He was very persistent, not pushy but persistent in a good way - which...
6 34

Do guys care about razor bumps on the vagina?

I'm afraid my future boyfriend might think I'm unattractive since it's not perfectly smooth.
0 9

Guys, why do you repeatedly message a girl when she’s clearly ignoring you? I’ve had so many guys do this?

I don’t understand do they really want my attention that freaking much? Like I know I’m hot but dang and the amount of guys that do it?...
2 27

Who r braless tonight?


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