Take action. Now.


This take is supposed to encourage everyone reading it to get out of a rut and misery and here are a few tips that will hopefully help and motivate you.

Take action. Now.

1. Stop lamenting and start to act

Remember the plans, dreams and goals you set yourself? I'm sure you experienced quiet a few major set backs and dissapointments and started believing you will never reach them. Sure, there are always certain unrealistic plans and goals one might never manages to achieve and sometimes its better to let them go and do something else. But guess what. Everyone experiences this, even those people you think are living a perfect life on the outside. But do you know why they are successful? It's because they realized they have to do and change something in order to succeed in this world.

2. Start with babysteps and work you way up slowly

See all achievements and good things that happen to you, no matter how small, as a success and take them as a starting point. You can't be the person you want to be or have the life you want without doing anything (except you are rich af) because it requires work and action to reach this. Also try to accomplish one thing at a time. Too much action can cause unhealthy stress so start slowly and take the rest you need. At times it will get hard to keep going and not let all the crap you are carrying around with you weigh you down but keep in mind that the harder it gets, the stronger, the better and the happier and proud you will be in the end. Some efforts will sometimes not pay off and you will experience setbacks and disappointments on your way to a fulfilling and happy life but that's okay because we can't always succeed.

3. Get rid of the victim attitude

Life is often unfair and people are vile and deceiving beings so it's pretty easy to become the victim of foul play, bad circumstances and betrayal or to be used by others for money, sex, social status etc. and it just sucks constantly being at the receiving end. But thinking that life is so unfair and being upset by it over a long period of time won't do you any good. It will literally make you ugly inside and outside and only drag you down when in fact you could try to accept the situation and live with the knowledge that they wronged you and karma will take care of them. There are probably cases where more serious stuff happened like physical abuse and in such a case i highly recommend seeking professional help and contacting your local authorities.

4. Use your negative experiences and mistakes as a motivator to make it better

Similar to the victim attitude, if you keep dwelling on past mistakes you will never become satisfied.

Everyone does something bad from time to time, hell, i did quiet a few bad decisions and mistakes i regret and was ashamed of but with the help of my family and other people close to me i managed to forgive myself and became motivated to change my life and get out of the rut i was in for many years. You can do the same but you need to forgive yourself first. It takes time but once you managed to do this you will feel better and motivated.

5. Accept that you can't always be happy

It's not natural to feel good all the time because happiness is not the only thing we feel. The point is to allow yourself to feel those emotions and not let them weigh you down, no matter how good or bad they are. Just feel them and let it out but dont dwell on them.

6. Chanes are higher to find a partner if you feel better about yourself

This one should be obvious. Because you feel more positive and less negative, sad etc. there will be more room for your charisma to shine through and other people will notice this and perceive you as a more positive person, which is attractive.

7. Stay away from seemingly fairytale like social media posts

Most of these posts are made by people who want others to feel bad so they can feel better about themselfes and this will contribute to you becoming more miserable. Im not saying you should avoid social media alltogether but just to stay away from the aforementioned kind of posts/people.

And last but not least, know you are worth it.

There is one person that knows you better than anyone else and this is you.

So be a good friend to yourself and try to take the action to change your life now.

Take action. Now.
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