The Many Masks of Emotional Pain... what they are and why we wear them


What is the cause of our most serious emotional pain?

The following are only a few of the many ways we can be afflicted with emotional and/or psychological pain in our lives...

1) It can stem from a childhood, or early life, experience that was beyond our control, like...

  • Physical abuse
  • Emotional abuse
  • Sexual abuse
  • Loss of something like a pet or any cherished object
  • Divorce of parents
  • Loss of someone you were deeply in love with through breakup, divorce, separation or abandonment

2) It could come from one, or more, deaths of someone you loved, or cared deeply about, for example...

  • The death of a friend, relative or loved one by natural causes
  • The death of a friend, relative or loved one from an accident
  • The death of a friend, relative or loved one who was murdered

3) It can be from being teased about your looks or some natural proclivity that you have, or did have

4) Physical pain can trigger emotional pain, like an ailment

5) It can be "Self Inflicted"

  • This can be something that you are imagining to be real, but otherwise would not be, or something you caused to happen yourself. We may all know someone like this. And typically this is also a result of #1 above, or it could even be from "Empathy" (feeling and/or sharing the pain of others)
The Many Masks of Emotional Pain... what they are and why we wear them


  • DRUGS (both legal and illegal)
Im Cool Man!
I'm Cool Man!
Is this really going to take away your pain for good, or just until the next day when you start again?
Is this really going to take away your pain for good, or just until the next day when you start again?
  • SEX
Is Sex the permanent answer for your pain or just a temporary fix?
Is Sex the permanent answer for your pain or just a temporary fix?
Are you stuck on the carousel of violence and anger because of past suffering, abuse or mistreatment?
Are you stuck on the carousel of violence and anger because of past suffering, abuse or mistreatment?
Has your pain led you down the path of crime?
Has your pain led you down the path of crime?
Are you delusional about your past, present and/or future?
Are you delusional about your past, present and/or future?
Is focusing on your work 24/7 really the way to mask your pain?
Is focusing on your work 24/7 really the way to mask your pain?
Is your pain hidden behind a smile which is really a mask of depression?
Is your pain hidden behind a smile which is really a mask of depression?
Does your pain hide behind a mask of disorder and/or self destruction?
Does your pain hide behind a mask of disorder and/or self destruction?


Is it possible for serious emotional pain and trauma to be overcome?

The simple answer is ...YES! ...but it is many times more easily said than done in most cases. For example - you have to WANT TO fix it ...not everyone really does.

I know this sounds incredible, but some of us like living behind our mask, it is like the box we are in that we don't want to come out of, or are addicted to, even though some of these masks can be self destructive in both the short, and long terms.

The Many Masks of Emotional Pain... what they are and why we wear them


Now, it is confession time and I am only admitting the obvious to those that might know me on GAG because I am hoping that it will make it easier for you to feel free to identify the mask you are wearing, since "identifying a problem is the first step to overcoming it".

So here goes ...I wear two of the masks that I mentioned that I interchange. I don't think mine are self destructive, at least that is what I keep telling myself, even though they easily could be.

HINT - I don't drink or take drugs of any kind. I am not violent, don't commit crimes and am not delusional nor plagued with any disorders. Thus, by the process of elimination, and based on my list, you have the two masks that I wear obsessively to try and mask my emotional pain...


What is my pain caused from? ...well, for me, it is the last reason on the #1 list - "Loss of someone you were deeply in love with through breakup, divorce, separation or abandonment".

MY PAIN WAS DERIVED FROM: "Loss of someone I was deeply in love with through breakup and abandonment".

Are you "Somebody That I Used To Know"? ...when will the mask come off? Listen...

I just love Ms Lavendaire ...please listen to her advise on Emotional Healing as this will help you immensely! ...


I have two very serious questions for you regarding this post ...I mean "VERY SERIOUS" and here they are, but it is only for those of you that can relate to this post, and maybe as a start to your healing if you're not healed already ...

  • What is your pain derived from? (based on my list or add your own reason) ...and,
  • What mask do you wear to deal with your pain? (based on my list or add your own mask)

Please be honest with yourself and other members. Sure, use anonymous if you want but answering these 2 questions can be the start of your healing know I'm right!

One last song before you answer the 2 questions and go off into the sunset ...Ms Natasha has a song about Recovering and is beautiful beyond words...

Please "RECOVER" from your pain without any self-destructive masks! ...PLEASE!

...and thank you so much for reading my confessional post! ...and for those who commented, thank you for being so honest with us in your journey toward healing! ...I LOVE YOU!

The Many Masks of Emotional Pain... what they are and why we wear them
22 Opinion