Do you think he would start to like me if I lost weight or would he always picture me as that fat girl?

So there is this guy who I have been crushing on for a little while and I never thought he would like me because I'm over weight but this year... It was the first day of school and I walked into my first class and automatically smiled because I saw an entire table of some of my closest friends. As I was walking over to the table he was like " (my name) hey!" . It surprised me so much because he was sitting at a table with one of the popular girls but still took the time to say hey to me. Then later in the year I came into the class and he was like " Hey Guess What. I'm moving..." and I was like " Oh my gosh are you serious" and he led it out for a little while and then said no I'm not really moving. Do you think he was trying to see whether I would care or not? Are these signs that he likes me or am I crazy? I am planning to lose all the unwanted pounds this year and I'm so excited to change my life but do you think he would start to like he if I lost weight or would he always picture me as that fat girl? Any advice any comments are welcome. Thanks :)
Do you think he would start to like me if I lost weight or would he always picture me as that fat girl?
3 Opinion