Clinically Nocturnal: The Night Owl Life Chose Me

We've all known someone that stays awake all night long, and then drags all through the next day. They just can't seem to get their...
7 13

What to Do if You or a Loved One Gets the Flu

In the United States right now the Flu has become a major widespread epidemic.Every State is reporting deaths and multiple cases. Here...
1 5

My Best Advice For Acne

So let`s talk about acne. I personally had pretty bad acne when I was 14-18 and I do still have scars on my face, you don`t see them...
9 13

My Experience with Smoking Weed for the First Time Ever

Why and what I smoked So, I´ve tried it two times now, the first time it didn´t work, I probably didn´t smoke enough. The second time,...
3 3

We Can Fight Against Human Trafficking

Hello @GirlsAskGuys Community Recently I was reading this Take. soccerchick4eva's Take. Great Job. *"Giving an insight to the younger...
4 7

How To Encourage Fat People To Lose Weight

This is mytake suggesting how to encourage a fat person considering he/she is your spouse. Of course, you're not expected to go up to...
15 19

Autism - Raising Mental Awareness

Autism Some of you may have a relative who has autism. You may have autism yourself. Or you might not know anyone with autism. Autism is...
4 10

Feel Intimidated By A Tall Girl?

Feel intimidated by a girl as tall as average guy's height? I hear guys do feel that way, but it is from parent genetics (sometimes)....

What does 120 pounds look like at 5 feet?

What does 120 pounds woman look like at 5 feet? Example pics? Pics hard to find on internet. Any celebrities this size?

Feels like I have a stone in the ball of my foot? Sharp pain?

I went to the podiatrist and they told me It was a callus but i know it’s not because the pain is so sharp and when I walk the ball of...

Can these aromatic oils cause cancer? I got worried, because I didn't really notice until now that this company doesn't list the...

Do I look super out of shape compared to this other girl? whos body would most guys be more attracted to?

im on the right, do i need a lot of work or do most guys think she looks way too jacked?

Do you agree with my view on what is skinny/curvy/chubby and fat?

Hey, a lot of girls ask me: 'Am I fat?' Or 'What is the difference between curvy and fat?' So I am going to establish this ones and...

Do women have longer tongues than men?

I have known a couple women now that could touch their nose with their tongue. They have not had any surgical procedure to get their...
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Men how thick is too thick?

Do you consider her too thick? Both pics same girl
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Same sex high school gym class?

Should high school gym only be with members of the same sex? If so why or why not?
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Is it possible to get a body physique like Kratos from God of War or Chris Redfield in his Resident Evil 5 appearance?

I'm just wondering since I am an overweight guy who stands about 5'10 and weigh a little over 220lbs. I'm trying to slightly slim down a...
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What type of butt do you like?

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What do you wear when working out?

I wear leggings, how about you? What you wear and why? What's most comfortable, or most sexy 😉. There's a couple of suggestions but...
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