Diets Suck, Drop It!!

How many times, you are out dining with friends and you hear this... I can't eat , I am on a diet!! And you are then trying to get them...
12 16

Things You SHOULD Say To Someone With Mental Illness

This take is in response to a take by @AngelicSin Things You Should Never Say to Someone With Mental Illness Please go read her's...
12 22

The Do's and Don'ts of Emotional Control

Emotional control is an important skill to have. It keeps you from saying or doing things you'll regret, ruining relationships, and just...
2 3

10 Reasons Why You Aren't Losing Weight

Sometimes you may be losing weight but not noticing it, and other times you are just doing something wrong. 1. You eat too much and...
11 25

My Struggles With Body Insecurity

Body insecurity, I feel like, is one of those things where many people have experienced it, but not so many people talk about it. We...
7 20

Suicide Prevention. When then "talk" just isn't the "talk"

Hey Folks *comes out from his mounds of paperwork* The talk of "suicide" has been in the news a lot, as today with Anthony Bourdain, and...
4 8

I Have a Confession to Make: I Have a Problem and I Need Help.

Hello, my name is Stephen and I have a gambling problem. I really feel like I need to share my experience. I know a while back I wrote a...
6 8

Do I look like I’m 60kg to u?

Well, it’s an odd question to ask but I’m curious. I am 160cm and 60kg. I don’t care how much I weight. I love running sooooo much and I...

Is 58kg for a 17 year old girl a lot?

I’m 58kgs and 164cms, should I lose some weight or?

Cut or bulk/mantain?

Hey everyone just a question, I’m currently cutting but sadly I’m stuck at these last 5kg. I’m roughly 173cm and roughly 65kg, I...

How to get rid of flabby inner thighs/ inner thigh fat?

I want to lose my flabby inner thighs and get my legs toned. but i want to have thick legs because I think they are pretty but I can’t...

Why do I shit like a horse?

Like seriously every time I take a shit it clogs the toliet and this is without toliet paper

Guys, are brunettes sexier than blondes?

I have had both colors before, but I'm currently blonde. I have considered going back to brown but it's so common and boring seeming to...

Girls, which body type is the most attractive?

What is the ideal amount of bulk and body fat? Big/small? Ripped/not ripped?

Opposite gender doctor?

How do you feel about having a doctor that’s the opposite gender you are?
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Is this considered fat?

What do you think about thsi kind of body?
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