
Merry Christmas GAG!!!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all the GAGers out there! I hope you get all you asked for and are happy! Santa couldn't take his...
9 7

Christmas Cats!

This is mostly just for fun, nothing really serious... #ChristmasCats #MerryChristmas
10 13

10 Favorite Christmas Cover Songs

Ok so I have listened to a lot of versions of Christmas songs and I have found a few that have been pretty good covers. I can't remember...
4 4

21th December - More Important Than The 25th?

21th of December, also known as the Winter Solstice, is the day when Winter actually begins, the shortest day and the longest night of...
1 13

The twelve days of Christmas JJ style

Yes before anyone says it the twelve pains of Christmas I am going to even put it here before I start...
3 3

Christmas First World Problems

We all have "problems" we face. It can be in our daily lives or it can be in special occasions. How great your problems are highly...
7 7

10 favorite Christmas songs

Inspired by @smahala1991 This is not a top ten but a select few that I enjoyed that were/ are not exactly on the radio that much during...
4 10


Good first nite in 2019 every one. 😴?

How long you usually sleep.. And if there was no or less sleep last night, how is next day spent?

What did you learn from 2018?

like any life lessons?

For those of you in a predominantly non-English-speaking country, how do you say "HAPPY NEW YEAR!" in your native tongue?

Although I am American-born, I'm also half Filipino. Plus, I've been living in the Philippines for nearly two decades already. Locally,...
17 21


SHOULD you spend New Years Eve with your family or girlfriend/boyfriend?

It's the day before New Years Eve... and my mother is driving me crazy... and I really would love to spend more time with my...
16 21

What are your plans for New Year's Eve?

This year, I am doing New Year's Eve right! I will be taking my girlfriend to dinner at a nice restaurant in the Omni Hotel downtown....
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Alone on Christmas?

What do you do when you are alone on Christmas and what is your advise on people having their first Christmas alone?
1 5

Did you get what you wanted for Christmas this year?

I actually got what I wanted for Christmas this year: a Sonicare toothbrush. It's even my favorite color. (And I know another girl who...
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