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3 mo

Do you like the British uniforms of ww2 ?

Nope, even the Ruskies had better uniforms than them. It is very embarassing for a communist country to have better uniforms than a Monarchist country. Overall the top 3 best uniforms of that era... Society & Politics

3 mo

How would you react if some guy from the future came back to tell you that you were personally responsible for the deaths of billions of people?

Laugh and say ”Oh they must have all been scumbag debt collectors and corrupt tyrannical law enforcement.” Entertainment & Arts

3 mo

Would you consider yourself a paranoid person?

Probably but only because society made me that way. Seeing how America is most likely Babylon the great from the book of revelations, I am very wary of both our government and law enforcement.... Society & Politics

3 mo

Would you consider yourself a Conservative? Liberal? Moderate? Or perhaps having other thoughts on the matter?

Independent with some Libertarian leanings I haven't come up with a name for my political ideology but I consider both the Democrat and Republican parties to be too authoritarian and both parties... Society & Politics

1 y

Anti British sentiment?

I don’t have any problem with the average Brit. I do get irritated with the far left wing Brits that like to spout off nonsense about America because they are so misinformed about America. I also... Society & Politics

1 y

What's your comfort song?

I have many Lili Marleen Liebchen Ade Battle hymn of the republic Glorious things of thee are spoken Muss I denn Una Madre no se cansa de esperar (this one makes me cry) Entertainment & Arts

1 y

What's something controversial you own?

German iron cross necklace (ignoramuses incorrectly assume it’s a Nazi symbol) German M43 field cap and it’s variants (I find it to be a very stylish hat) Various bibles (It’s politically... Society & Politics

1 y

Do HORROR movies actually scare you?

Most don’t because most horror movie directors don’t know how to make a horror movie. They rely on cliche formulas, I pretty much already know what’s going to happen in the movie before actually... Entertainment & Arts

1 y

Why do French people like to spread ugly rumors about Americans?

I never heard French doing that. However I know the Canucks up north like to constantly talk smack about the US because they are nothing more than a bootleg version of the US. Whenever... Society & Politics

1 y

What's your favorite apocalyptic or dystopian novel?

Man in the high castle. An alternate history novel about what the world would have looked like had the axis powers won WWII. They even made a web series of it. Entertainment & Arts

1 y

Do you think psychological warfare has been effectively administraterd to the United States or your particular nation if you have noticed it?

It’s not a matter of psychological warfare but rather that the US is currently under occupation by far left wingers that control most of our schools, media, workforce, entertainment industry and... Society & Politics

1 y

Girls do you agree that this is female characters in movies should be written?

Definitely not, those are just typical “Mary Sue” characters. Unfortunately there aren’t that many action movies with more realistic female protagonists. The only good ones I can think of are... Entertainment & Arts

1 y

Which is the best call of duty game ever made?

Tie between Black ops 2, MW3 and Ghosts Best campaigns Best weapons Best extra game modes (Zombies, extinction and survival) No strafing or slide canceling back then As much as most players hate... Entertainment & Arts

1 y

Which country would you rather live in?

I’d choose Finland because I like the weather. Definitely not Canada. Society & Politics

+1 y

Do men in America want the patriarchal system back?

I want a hybrid system of the right libertarian and Constitution parties. Because balance and compromise is key to unite a nation. With both the Republicans and Commiecrats destroying this... Society & Politics

+1 y

Why are so many people obsessed with Trump? Why do they fear him?

Because in 2016 he was the underdog, all the Democrats thought he didn’t stand a chance at beating Hillary. They assumed it was going to be an easy win for Hillary, that is until election night... Society & Politics

+1 y

How do you view Canadians?

The more I learn about them the more I gradually lose respect for them. They treat their Asian-Canadians like second class They constantly b*tch about the US They are arrogant When Russia or... Society & Politics

+1 y

Whats a movie that shouldn't make you happy but does?

Probably Iron Sky The soundtrack is outta this world🛸🤣😂 Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

What percentage of the population would you actually trust to govern and control your life?

I don’t want any stranger prying into my personal life, that’s why I take so many precautions to protect the privacy of my family including my own. If I don’t know you, I don’t trust you. Even... Society & Politics

+1 y

What song makes you feel powerful or confident?

Many songs make me feel like I can conquer the whole world. Kaarina (Finnish version of Erika) Argonnerwald Entertainment & Arts

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