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2 mo

What do you think is more important in a relationship to have it work: love or commitment?

There is no way you can separate these two things from each other. They are both equally necessary for a happy relationship. Relationships

3 mo

Should I leave my partner if he grabbed my neck?

It sounds a bit like you are not trusting your own judgment and assessment of him. You know him. Don't you? Sometimes we need to pull out, do a bird's eye view, to try to see a situation clearly.... Dating

3 mo

Would you date an A. I. robot?

No way. I absolutely hate robots and all A. I. I would kill them all if I could. Dating

3 mo

Girls, have you ever made the first move on a guy? If so, what prompted it?

A few times. It was prompted by a particularly strong attraction, both physically and their personality/character. I've never done a cold approach. Have to get at least somewhat comfortable and... Dating

3 mo

Boyfriend is upset with me, because I discussed our fight with my bestie. What should I do?

1. You recorded someone without their knowledge. That's a shit thing to do (and probably illegal). 2. When he talks to his friend, it's "talking trash", but when you talk to your friend, it's... Relationships

3 mo

Does it mean you don't love someone romantically if your heart doesn't always skip a beat around them?

No, doesn't mean she doesn't love him. That skipping a beat is a hormonal reaction to the presence of the other, or something specific they said or did. But it happens much, much more frequently... Relationships

3 mo

I keep having dreams that a guy is being violent?

Dreams aren't premonitions. They're your mind trying to work through things you think and have experienced. They don't come from an outside source that knows more than you do. You may have trust... Dating

3 mo

If a boy blocks a girl who do you think made a mistake? The boy or girl? Who do you blame? Who do you support?

No person in their right mind will choose a side based simply on gender and nothing else. Dating

3 mo

Should I explain, before ghosting them?

Explain. Don't ghost. Ghosting is avoidant, unkind, and the coward's way out. Dating

3 mo

Was I wrong to leave the house because my wife always sides with my mother and relatives?

I asked a q on here once, long ago, about whether it was better to stay in an argument and try to finish or resolve it, or if it was more optimal to walk away and reconvene at another time. One... Relationships

3 mo

Does anyone text with repeating letters (such as "Hiiiiiii" or "ohhhhhh") and is not desperate, not emotionally unstable, not creepy, etc?

It could be a young or immature person, yes. But don't count the letters. When all we have is words, we need to use language in whatever ways necessary to convey our thoughts. Now, on the other... Dating

3 mo

Am I not legally entitled to a share of the profits from the sale of ex's house if I lived there for a few years and contributed?

What are you smoking? You lived there rent free, and now you want a cut of his profits? OMG. No. He was right to laugh at you. Relationships

3 mo

Is the term "girlfriend/boyfriend" immature?

Yes, totally agree with you. It only felt right as a teenager, and maybe somewhat into twenties. It felt absolutely ridiculous referring to my mother's man as her boyfriend. And she didn't like... Dating

3 mo

When a guy is turned off, is there ever another chance?

There's no way for us to guess whether he will stop being angry. Men are humans, just like women. They can be emotional, fickle, ambivalent, rigid, you name it. It's person-specific, how much... Dating

3 mo

If a man wants to start a family in his 40's what's the oldest woman he should be dating?

28ish would be sort of middle ground of conception decline but still within reason. ? But the issue is that you need time to really get to know each other, to make sure your relationship is solid,... Dating

3 mo

Men, if you want a hot chick, you have to have money. And they require you to pursue them. Chicks that settle are ugly. Sorry 🤷🏼‍♀️, Do you get it?

Holy shit, you're shallow. Don't speak for us. We don't want you representing women or ruining our relationships with and to men. Dating

3 mo

Girls, Are you happier when you hear nothing anymore from your ex?

No. It's not that simple. Don't try to distill complex things down into easy rules. Someone being in your life, and then suddenly being gone from it, hurts. Very deeply, sometimes. Break Up & Divorce

3 mo

He doesn't help me. Should I just leave him?

Is your accounting of him accurate? You've given a one-sided story here. If he's this bad, people can only ask, why are you still with him? Relationships

3 mo

I got back together with my boyfriend but I have very bad anxiety now, has this happend to you? how can I fix it?

Not enough information. Could be because of: Your need for a sense of control. He's put a monkey-wrench into your life again. You're worried about losing him. You lack understanding of yourself... Relationships

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