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1 y

Is it wrong to be friends with guys who want to date you?

I also tend to like male friends, as on average our personalities mesh better than many of the women I've met (though I also have female friends I love). I don't know why, but we have more similar... Dating

1 y

What blocks you from accepting love in your life?

Mostly a lack of interest. I've always been more of a loner and don't really have any desire to be in a relationship. Relationships

1 y

If you can cook, would you date/marry someone who can't?

If I was up for dating/marriage, it wouldn't be a deal breaker if they've just never really learned much about it (though if it's because they're too lazy, that's a red flag that they're likely... Relationships

1 y

Should you stay in shape for your partner?

Like others have said, your main motivation for getting/staying in shape should ultimately be for yourself. However, I think if someone wants to be physically attractive to a wider selection of... Relationships

1 y

Is being asexual indeed a blessing at a time relationships and marriages have been ruined?

I'm also asexual and aromantic, and I do feel as if it is a blessing. Not necessarily so much because relationships have been ruined, but because I've seen the poor decisions people make when... Relationships

1 y

Could I sue if I found something in my food?

Agreed with the responses that it wouldn't be worth it. You would have to pay legal fees and would likely not receive much compensation even if you did win. It would be better to just quit... Food & Beverage

1 y

Are you a good cook?

My family and friends say I am! I've cooked some good foods, though I'm definitely no Gordon Ramsay, lol! Food & Beverage

+1 y

What do you think about women in their thirties being single?

What's wrong with it? There are many reasons someone could be single at any age. It's absolutely not pathetic. Dating

+1 y

My boyfriend is leaving in a year, what do I do?

Sounds like you'll have to make a decision whether you're willing to do long distance or not. It definitely isn't for everyone. Is the distance expected to be long term? Dating

+1 y

What is the alternative to ghosting?

Depends on the situation. In your case, I think telling him it doesn't seem like you're a good fit would suffice, though since it doesn't seem like you two were that invested in each other to... Dating

+1 y

If you are not married by 30, is that bad?

No. One of the happiest marriages I know is between two people, one of which was 32 and the other which was a little older (not sure by exactly how much) when they first married. I know several... Marriage & Weddings

+1 y

I was not aware that men aren't allowed to have a preference in women, while women are, what do you think?

Is this a conversation you actually had on a dating site? If so, wow... There are unfortunately a lot of hypocritical and superficial people out there with very high standards, yet expect... Dating

+1 y

Do you think men can be too young and immature to understand marriage?

Depends on the guy, of course. Everyone matures at different ages. But what I really want to know is, why did G@G put a picture of a guy holding a cute Teddy bear on this question? Nothing... Marriage & Weddings

+1 y

Do you like sticky toffee pudding?

Never heard of it, but it sounds amazing! 😍 I love toffee! Food & Beverage

+1 y

Does being “fitter” and more in shape equate to being more attractive in your opinion?

Definitely. People ALWAYS look better when they're in shape vs. when they're out of shape in my opinion (I'm talking about comparing the same person while in shape vs. while out of shape). Plus,... Dating

+1 y

Meal on a budget: what's your go to meal to cook when you're on a budget?

I grew up on Hamburger Helper and Tuna Helper. 🤣 I actually tend to like the generic Great Value better (maybe it's just me, but I swear it has a cheesier flavor), and I like to swap out tuna for... Food & Beverage

+1 y

Would you rather be friends with benefits with someone you know or don’t know?

I wouldn't be interested in being friends with benefits with anyone, but hypothetically speaking, I would much rather do it with someone I know if I was going to do it. I absolutely hate the... Dating

+1 y

Would you consider a wedding/event to be less fun if alcohol is not served?

Not at all. I don't understand why some people feel as if they can't have fun without getting drunk. Absolutely nothing about it appeals to me. 🤣 Marriage & Weddings

+1 y

What do you do to pick yourself up when you’ve had your heart broken?

First of all, I doubt you aren't good enough for these people. Sometimes people just aren't good matches, and it's not always someone's fault. Not everyone is meant for each other, and that's... Break Up & Divorce

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