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+1 y

This woman seems to really enjoy pushing that lawnmower. Do you think she likes gardening?

Is this what shows up if we Google gardening & lawnmowing nowadays? 😂 Smh. Other

+1 y

If your genitals could talk right now, what would they say?

When U gonna clean them cobwebs? ;_; Other

+1 y

Share some Google translate fails?

I have one now! 😂 Other

+1 y

Let’s play never have I ever?

Never have I ever gotten drunk. Other

+1 y

Is the juggernaut law true?

What's with the height? I'll marry a coconut Other

+1 y

How would you feel if you were smashing a girl and this happened?

I would'nt feel bad. The guy texting is a pussy. Who sends three texts at the same time? And the last one is just being an attention hoe. "I'm sad" my foot. Society & Politics

+1 y

How often do you visit a hospital having the doctor of opposite sex?

What does it say about me, if I tell you that I know where that picture is from? 😁 I don't visit hospitals/doctors often. When I do I don't notice the doc's gender, only qualifications.... Society & Politics

+1 y

Is tinder a free dinner and brothel for women?

Absolutely. Many enjoy the benefits of free meal at least & don't bother to even pick up calls later. Other

+1 y

Would you rather have a photographic memory or gain an extra 40 IQ points?

Definitely photographic memory. It's always fascinated me. Other

+1 y

How do you feel when someone refuses to shake hands with you?

I rarely shake hands lol so I don't know. Never experienced rejection in this area yet. I agree the caption feature is a bit annoying. Same thing happened when I was trying to post my... Other

+1 y

What kind of memer are you? Dank, normie, edgie or wholesome?

Eh interesting test, but it's not loading for me beyond the first page lol. I'll do it later. My meme source is @yourfutureex tho. Other

+1 y

What are you exhausted by the most in life?

Overthinking, at times. I completely exhaust myself by thinking about a particular incident obsessively. Other

+1 y

What’s your favorite type of weather?

Winter is my favourite!💜 I'd love to experience snowfall sometime. Other

+1 y

Do you find smoking attractive?

Smoking... hot body? Definitely. Other

+1 y

How often do you catch the feelings for someone?

Not very often. But when I do, I'm almost obsessed with them for a while (marveling in how amazing they are) before things get to normal. 😁 How about you? Other

+1 y

Would you consider yourself a tactile person?

What does that entail of? Other

+1 y

Would you ever try Skinny Dipping?

I will try at least once! Other

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