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1 mo

What are the reasons you wouldn't want your spouse to have friends of the opposite sex?

Consensus among men is that men usually are not friends with women unless they want to have sex with them. A woman wanting to be friends with a guy usually is more trustworthy than a guy being... Relationships

1 mo

Girls, if your boyfriend had a $30 Starbucks gift card his parents gave him and he said you could spend it up if you don’t tell them would you do it?

I guess if I'm worried my parents would be around to see me buying the coffee, I'd just save the gift card for when I moved far away from them? Dating

1 mo

If you're still hurt over a breakup does it mean you still have feelings for the person?

No, it could just mean you're trying to adjust to having all kinds of free time that you didn't before. And because your mind doesn't always remember all the bad stuff, it's easier for you to... Break Up & Divorce

2 mo

Why do my parents want me to marry JOBLESS guys who have nice degrees?

You're a lot smarter than your parents are, as well as smarter than a lot of women. Too many go with guys for their potential. You should go out with a guy who at least has a job while he waits... Dating

3 mo

Would it be okay to date a woman who looks like my mother?

If you're attracted to her, then that's all that matters. Perhaps part of your attraction towards her stems from good feelings you have about your mother. I think it's sweet. Dating

5 mo

Best and/or oddest pickup lines you've used and how did it go for you?

I tried to say that his hobbies reflect the wonderful personality traits I can tell he has (even though we had never met). Fell flat. He didn't feel flattered that I was trying to read between the... Flirting

5 mo

What compliment have you received that you actually liked?

I told a guy I was dating that I was non-dramatic, and he said, yes, I can tell 😀. Flirting

5 mo

Girls, Dating an American man if you are NOT an American woman... your reasonings?

Either I'm in love with him and love is blind to the future consequences of a long-distance relationship, OR maybe that in addition to how wonderful I think he is as a person, that marrying him... Dating

5 mo

Is it possible to have a romantic relationship and never have sex?

I think God will be able to tell that you want to sleep with him by watching you be all touchy feely with the guy, and will punish you anyway. So you might as well sleep with him. Relationships

5 mo

Attractive girls, how do you separate the good guys from the bad guys?

I recommend that they watch to see how friendly they are to less attractive girls or old ladies. Dating

5 mo

Are men more selfish or women?

Maybe you could clarify the conversation you had, as I don't quite follow. But I'd say that men are more empathetic than women in the sense that they get complete emotional fulfillment out of... Dating

5 mo

How many of you have never fought with your partner?

My my longest boyfriend and I never fought. I think it was a combination of good personality compatibility along with not really being too insecure in the relationship. I think because we... Relationships

5 mo

Do girls like guys more?

Not me. I prefer gullible types. I hate having to explain my reasoning during a stressful situation. I'd prefer a guy who just goes with what I think is best to do. Dating

6 mo

Is there anyone here who won't date people your own age and if so, what is your reasoning and would you only date people older or younger?

I'd love to date guys my own age. It's so hard to find guys my age though, now that I'm not in school. So I wind up dating guys way older. Dating

6 mo

Could you date someone that is co-dependent?

I am co dependent myself, so yeah. I mean to me, love is where each person is so obsessed with the other person, whereby nothing else is as interesting as that person. May not be healthy, but it's... Dating

8 mo

Help, should I have asked her out?

Ask her out. You guys are young. Most girls start out in life assuming people just talk to them because they're just being friendly. Some attractive women even maintain that innocence well into... Dating

8 mo

Would you date someone who was arrested in the past or has a criminal history but changed for the better in the future?

I used to think I would, but as I got older, I became less naive. I originally assumed there must have been a real reason why the person committed that crime, and that I'd therefore never have to... Dating

8 mo

If ONE is the LONELIEST number, why do people ony want one wife?

They only want one wife because one wife is cheaper and less dramatic than more wives. And I guess the guy assumes he will still be allowed to have a social life outside of the marriage. Relationships

8 mo

Does your partner have a right to continue to ask you to do things for them, that they'd never or refuse to do themselves?

For stuff like blow jobs, I think that men who find excuses to not give their women blow jobs but they insist on getting blow jobs, that definitely is ridiculous. Other than that, I agree with... Relationships

8 mo

What should I do as a man with my issues with women?

Why don't you just ask women out the moment you suspect they're flirting, instead of worrying about how to flirt back? Dating

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