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4 d

What do you think of TIMEOUT's BEST CITIES list?

I would add Cincinnati and Ft. Myers. Travel

5 d

Would you rather visit Edinburgh or London?

I guess London because of all the different historical attractions. Travel

6 d

Is it normal for social activity to make you tired?

Yes, most social interactions give me a big headache. Holidays

7 d

Do you think voter fraud occurred in the 2020 election?

Yes, but the real answer is that we will never know for sure. There is a lot of people who witnessed voter fraud and there is video evidence and there are statistical abnormalities. Maybe with an... Holidays

8 d

What is the weather like where you are today?

I was a nice sunnyday. It snowed a little yesterday. Travel

13 d

Which SCANDINAVIAN CITY would you prefer to VISIT?

I am of Finnish decent so I go with Helsinki Travel

15 d

Which Would You Prefer to Visit, Beijing China or Hong Kong?

Hong Kong. I heard Bejing has really bad air quality Travel

15 d

What would you name a snow plough/gritter?

I had an old beater that I used to drive in the snow, I called it Ironleg. I go with Ironleg/ Travel

15 d

Which city are you most curious about?

Nashville/ I wonder if it is as cool as it sounds. Travel

16 d

Which Would You Prefer to Visit, Tokyo Japan or Taipei Taiwan?

I guess Tokyo. Maybe Godzilla would put in a personal appearance/ Travel

16 d

What do you think of these STATUES in BREMEN Germany?

The one in the middle has nice boobs. Travel

16 d

Furthest you've ever been from home?

San Antonio , Texas when I was in boot camp Travel

16 d

Are you feeling this Christmas?

You have a great attitude about life. Holidays

16 d

What is on your mind during New Years?

I have a couple of things that are going on in my life that need to be addressed this year. Holidays

16 d

How long did it take you to get over your ex?

The truth is that by the time I called her on the phone to break up with her I was already over her. It was still hard to do and afterwards I wondered if I made a mistake but it really was for the... Holidays

16 d

Which Would You Prefer to Visit, Perth or Melbourne Australia?

I heard a lot about Melbourne I do not know anything about Perth. Travel

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