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My religious take on why what goes around comes around

I believe what goes around comes around, and I will give you a few examples I know from my life. A guy I used to know spent exam week in university volunteering at bible study instead of studying and he was a humanities major with no guarantee of a STEM job after graduating. I saw his resume 12...

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Why not all God followers are God loving

Jesus said a kingdom divided against itself cannot stand, which means: You cannot destroy hate by practicing hate. You cannot build your faith by destroying the faith of others. You cannot enter the kingdom of justice and love while trying to block others from entering the kingdom of justice and...

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Two simple ways to be happy and fight depression - bible talk

Epicurus thought sensation left to happiness but ask yourself, Have you ever met a happy drug addict? Or a happy glutton? Or a happy gambler? Or a happy alcoholic? Or a happy adult video addict? Or a happy video game addict? Happiness involves three things and not one: 1 - You have to sacrifice...

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Why forgiveness is easier for many non Christians

So I’m on vacation now but I have access to wifi in the morning and at night. Anyway, I think Christians have difficulty forgiving others because they believe that forgiveness and gifts from God are based on sacrifice and labour. When God gifts you out of His love, and not out of His admiration...

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Why Christianity seems so difficult for some people

One reason some Christians find religion to be difficult is that they are serving God through a position of ego and self consciousness and not through a position of spirit and God conscience. God understands you’re human and God has no interest in punishing you for the flaws you were born with,...

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A simple explanation for corruption - Christian view

The bible teaches you cannot be both ethical and appetite indulgent. Many people push aside the needy or unhelpful because they view the person as a distraction to their goals or their purposes, but a true person does not fear monetary loss when they entertain others and neither do they...

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Why humans choose to be good, despite the hardships

Rabbi Manis Friedman says that human beings need to be do and believe in good in order to be truly happy inside. We were not programmed to hate and this is why bullies and abusers are miserable and often suffering severe traumas. Until you learn to do and love what is good, you will be miserable...

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Christian advice I got twice

A stranger told me on the bus during a chat that all we do in life is hard and there is no such thing as an easy job, an easy friendship, an easy marriage, an easy family, an easy degree, an easy chore, an easy life or an easy virtue. A guy I met at school told me there is no easy way out. Like...

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Rabbi Manis Friedman on Human Nature

Rabbi Manis Friedman says there is a universal desire among 90% of people that trumps all other human desires. That desire is the want to be a good person. Freud suggested this desire to be good was based on our own personal self esteem and self-image interest in being happily self-appraising in...

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What people get wrong about happiness - Bible Talk

The bible says it is more blessed to give then to receive People who give to the poor and needy, according to the bible, increase their wealth but giving must be respect and time and energy and inclusion and friendship and honour and empathy and it must not discriminate between the beautiful and...

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This is what Rabbi A.. G…. taught me about blessing

He said in his teaching that G-d rewards generosity and that generosity is a blessing and not a curse and shows your faith in G-d. I know sometimes being gracious can be hard, if you work hard at something and fail and others brag about their success online, or if somebody is able to enjoy...

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The Secret of Worship Christians Often Overlook

I know Christians who test the Lord, they mistreat their brothers, exclude people, judge people, mock people, gossip about people, and condemn them; Than, they believe they are safe from the wrath of God, because they worship Jesus, but the bible teaches there are different degrees and types of...

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What my medical friend told me about dating in college

He told me he does not like girls that are too good looking, he looks for girls a little above average and other medical professionals told me the same thing, they did not want a girl too good looking cause they want to know they are her first choice and will never get cheated on. A lot of fake...

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A biblical explanation for misery among the very rich

The bible says the blessing of the Lord brings wealth, and he adds no trouble with it This means if you are wealthy but you do not have God’s blessing, God will give you problems for being so unfairly rich while you were on earth. As a young child, I had parents with money, but I was anorexic,...

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What I learned about godly relationships this year

Today I realized that none of the friends God gave me carried the sign of the beast in revelation which is the abomination of mixing spiritual glory with carnal desire, the mark of jealousy, lying, and unrighteous judgment towards others, based on ego and competition and pride, this hatred based...

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What God taught me about judgment

I had a dream where God told me not to judge others because my knowledge and understanding was not perfect and I might make errors when I’m judging others. I had people judge me for being rude to my parents not knowing my parents were constantly slandering me and degrading me with lies. I had...

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Why psychics do not make you rich - bible knowledge

I believe the reason fortune telling does not work is that you can’t think your way to a successful life, you have to work for it. I know very intelligent people who end up broke and poor because they did not try hard enough in school or labour hard enough at work and I know unintelligent and...

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Why Christian’s are like Table Salt

Salt mixes with water, is used to preserve sea life, combines with other salt particles when mixed with water, cleanses fruit of organic impurities, makes food taste better, flavours food so that it’s taste is better and must be used in moderation to prevent heart attack. You could use that as...

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Why some Christians waste time or seek God without results

I will give you an example of two teenagers who wanted to host pineapple eating contests in never never land, one of the teenagers was rich and one was poor. The poor teenager planted 7 pineapple trees because he had nothing better to do while the rich teenager purchased pineapples at the...

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Why many Christians serve God and don’t get results

In high school there was a beautiful, intelligent, kind, confident, and honourable woman that always made me secretly feel unworthy, because she was far more righteous than me and even though I tried to be righteous, I failed miserably. One day I dreamed she came up to me and asked me if I was...

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