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3 d

No one is obligated to date anyone, so why do men get upset over rejection?

I love the way women pretend that men fall apart so badly from rejection, when women handle rejection worse than men do. To the point of demonizing the guy or even twisting the story to their... Dating

6 d

Do you think he is happy?

I think she pretty much let us know he is not happy. Dating

7 d

As a single mom what kind of guy should you give a chance to?

If you have to ask that then maybe you're not ready. I would want to know what kind of guy do you think you should give a chance to, and which one you think you shouldn't. Dating

8 d

Is it weird to date someone with the same name as your ex?

It happens. Throughout our lives we're going to meet people anyway who have the same name as someone else. Even in a relationship. It's only weird if you make it weird. Dating

8 d

What's the worst way to be friendzoned?

Saying "we can still be friends though" but not really meaning it. Most women do not mean that, they just think it's what a guy wants or needs to hear as an easy let down. And they usually won't... Dating

9 d

Is online dating dead?

Online dating apps make money by messaging the guys with bots and scammers, but presenting women with real prospective partners. They try to get guys hook, line, and sinker by persuading them to... Dating

9 d

Do people wonder why people push you away after seeming interested?

Sometimes people do sabotage relationships for this reason, but I don't think it's the no.1 reason. I think what usually happens is people start pushing the other person away because they either... Dating

11 d

What’s the first physical feature men notice in women?

On her face? Her eyebrows, if they're thick. Thick eyebrows are sexy. On her body? Her boobs, if they are big. Dating

12 d

Anyone else not excited about new years eve?

It's just another day, no biggie. I usually just stay up late to text everyone Happy New Year or get their texts first. And that's about it. Holidays

23 d

Friend wants me to buy his son’s Christmas presents?

Do not do it. It's his fault that he gambled away the $250 you gave him. You just got lucky when you won the $3,000, he didn't. So it's not your responsibility to cover his loss. You gave him the... Holidays

26 d

Why are women to blame for men’s bad behavior?

This is curious because it's often women who blame men for why women do shitty things. Can you explain how women are to blame for men's bad behavior? Dating

1 mo

Do you think men are shamed too much?

Definitely. Men are shamed for not having sex or a relationship, and also shamed for trying to have sex or a relationship. They are shamed for sexual performance or lack thereof, or wanting... Dating

1 mo

Ever had sex with music?

Yes. It was the album Atlas from FM-84. It was actually pretty good to fuck to. Sexuality

1 mo

Do you think Santa will be paying you a visit soon?

If he's got a free plane ticket to Hawaii for me then he's welcome to Christmas dinner and spend the night. Holidays

1 mo

Should you dump someone before the holidays or after?

I have no idea who tries to calculate this stuff. If the relationship isn't working, end it sooner rather than later. Hell, even if you prolong it they might start figuring it out. Holidays

1 mo

True of false, modern women would rather cry in a Bentley than smile in a Honda?

I would think they would want to get fucked in a Honda. Dating

1 mo

Would you date someone who rejected you the first time?

Are you implying they would now be interested after rejecting me? I would have to wonder why. Would it really be because they're sincerely interested now? Or because they have no other options at... Dating

1 mo

My boyfriend snooped in my phone and found me liking IG pictures of male models, why’s he so mad?

I like that you're being cheeky about this seeing as many guys who already have gfs and wives are still liking IG women's pics. Dating

1 mo

How come when a man cheats on a woman, she gets blamed?

Really? I rarely see or hear that. It's almost never the woman who gets blamed and almost always the guy who does. Either him or the woman he cheated with. Dating

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