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+1 y

I am Arab and I have a jewish boyfriend, after a fight he told me a Go back to syria where you have cane from”, should I stay with him after this?

You did the right thing leaving him. Not only does he not respect you he is also not respecting your culture. A long-term relationship would never work out. If he throws that in your face at... Relationships

+1 y

My boyfriend doesn’t think I am his soulmate?

Rough. It sounds like he is saying that you are a placeholder till he finds someone he can't live without. You clearly love him more than he loves you, which is an unfortunate situation to... Relationships

+1 y

Help me out guys?

He is essentially saying that he doesn't have respect for you. Not only did he lie and try to go behind your back once, but twice now and after "apologizing" which clearly means nothing. You... Relationships

+1 y

Girls, Hot and sweaty, sexy or disgusting?

I do find it attractive actually. As long as they have a strong deodorant or a nice natural smell. Bad B. O can be a deal-breaker, but sweat and the shinny look, is pretty attractive. I think... Dating

+1 y

What is the funniest thing your partner has done?

My guy does martial arts. We had just started dating and I was introducing him to my sister and he is explaining how he does these different martial arts. He decides to show off and demonstrate... Relationships

+1 y

Girls, Would it bother you if your man has a lot of female friends?

My fella also has a lot of female friends. Before I was in a situation like this I would have said I was 100% cool with it, but knowing what I do know now, my opinion has changed. Even... Dating

+1 y

How should I surprise my fiancé by telling him I'm pregnant?

I got a custom onesie that had his old nickname on it with a 2.0. Custom onesies are great because you can put whatever you want them, but you are going to have to wait a bit for delivery. You... Relationships

+1 y

Girls, Would you girls not date because of race?

Race doesn't matter to me. It has no bearing on if I am attracted to that person or not. I mean hot is hot, no matter where you come from. Also, beliefs are not a factor for me as long as it... Dating

+1 y

My FiancĂ©’s best friend tickles me, is he flirting?

Some people have different boundaries as to physical touch. It is possible that he has no idea that this could be taken as flirtatious. However, if this is a recent thing it does beg the question... Flirting

+1 y

Boyfriend asked me to stop singing in the car, do I have a right to be pissed?

Ouch. Just because he said "please" doesn't mean that was polite. There are way better ways that he could have approached that without sounding like a complete asshole. I would be offended... Relationships

+1 y

What makes Jon Snow attractive?

His eyes. He has pretty dark eyes. He also has great hair. Nice and thick. Dating

+1 y

Really close friendship with married man, game of seduction or emotional affair?

Good question. It speaks to me. I have been getting close with a friend I had in high school. He is married now and has a family and I have a partner and a family as well. The biggest problem... Relationships

+1 y

My boyfriend vomits from anxiety every time we argue is that weird?

My guy stress vomits too. Not really when we fight but if he is worried or worked up about something, he will get physically ill. I find it really weird, but apparently it is pretty common for... Relationships

+1 y

Why are women still dating and marrying men while all of them cheat if given the chance?

I usually don't respond to post that are just designed to get negative feedback for attention, but... 1) Woman cheat just as much as men, they are just better at getting away with it. 2)... Relationships

+1 y

So I've been talking to this guy for almost 2 months?

Yes. You guys have been talking for 2 months so it is time to see if this is going anywhere or not. Neither of you need to waste time if you guys aren't on the same page, so it's better to just... Dating

+1 y

My boyfriend picked up a girl and straddle hugged her in front of me?

It isn't anything yet. And if you confront him about it, it will only make you look jealous and controlling. I would let it go, but if it continues now that it's out that you guys are together... Relationships

+1 y

My boyfriend is pressuring me to have an abortion? He said I have to choose the pregnancy or him? Please help?

It is a horrific experience to go through even when you are 100% sure it's what you want. You won't "Be Ok" just because all of his friends have done it... that is sick. This man is not father... Relationships

+1 y

Should I tell my best friend or keep it a secret 😂?

Finally an interesting question! I would not tell him. Honestly it isn't your place, it's hers (not cool on his end either to go after his best friends sister, like honestly... Bro Code?)... Relationships

+1 y

For women, until one of them shows you consistency, date them all. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Marilyn Monroe was also severely depressed. It's hard enough dating one man at a time, and you want to multiply those problems by what? 5, 8, 10? No thanks! Absolutely date until you find... Dating

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