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+1 y

What An Existential Crisis Feels Like

You must be a liberal. The main objective of any lifeform, whether its people, other animals or plants... is to reproduce. Nature has evolved this process to be pleasurable for humans. Find... Education & Career

+1 y

Science: What Is It Good For?

A person does not have to choose between science and scripture. Each serves a purpose that the other cannot fulfill. Since you seem to be rejecting scripture/religion, lets ask a simple... Education & Career

+1 y

10 Reasons and More to Not Become an Early Childhood Educator (Childcare, Daycare teacher, Etc.)

Maybe the parent and educator is just shitty. My daughter loves daycare. She starts the day walking through the front door and giving a hug to all of her current and previous teachers. It is... Education & Career

+1 y

Many Sheltered Rich Kids Are Set Up For Failure

You don't need to be a sheltered rich kid to be set up for failure. Just a sheltered kid. It is a parent's job to do things for their children... when they are babies. Because babies cannot do... Education & Career

+1 y

The Gender Divide in STEM

Sorry, but I have to call bullshit on your take. You said that, "STEM is the future, yet so many girls my age are discouraged from participating in these subjects." Never in my life have I... Education & Career

+1 y

How to Present Yourself at a Job Interview if You Are Student

Speak clearly. No stuttering (practice). Don't sound like a repeating record. Be confident in your speech, not arrogant. When asked for examples of something, be specific to demonstrate it was... Education & Career

+1 y

Why School Does Not Define Your Success

There is no single factor that defines one's success. But as a whole, when you look at statistics of a population, those with a higher education are more successful financially, and happier with... Education & Career

+1 y

Why Kids Don't Like School

Haha it takes a lot of effort to think... Kids aren't motivated in school because they lack the competency to understand how education benefits them. If they become an adult with poor... Education & Career

+1 y

Why Going to an Expensive Private High School is Not Actually Good for Kids

Everything you said applies to ANY school. 1. Why would a kid from a rich family send their kid to a public school with poorer parents? Most families are rich because they have influence.... Education & Career

+1 y

Valentines Day Gifts (DIY Version)

My wife and I generally don't celebrate Valentines, but when we were dating, I used to make books for her. They would be cartoon books about our previous lives as dinosaurs, or ninjas... etc. One... Valentine's Day

+1 y

Supporting the LGBTQAI Community in the Workplace

I question the logic of supporting LGBT people in the workplace. If there is a policy against making discriminatory jokes and what not, against LGBT, then that is fine. But one has to ask... Education & Career

+1 y

Facebook Nearly Caused Me To Lose My Job

The interwebz is the home to all the trolls on this planet. These are people who have achieved nothing in life, and so their only means to have a voice is through the internet. Mingle with... Education & Career

+1 y

Why I Don't Like Work

1. You probably work in a crappy job sector where workers are not valued. Hence, there is no importance to the screening process of whom they hire. I work in a much more rigorous sector. Candidate... Education & Career

+1 y

Why I Will NEVER Become a Teacher!

Most school teachers are unionized, so it offers a certain level of job security that the private sector cannot offer. Salary-wise, teachers make more than the average income in the country. Those... Education & Career

+1 y

Does Freedom of Speech Exist On the Job?

You don't understand the concept of Freedom of Speech. Freedom of Speech only means that the government cannot prosecute you for speaking on your opinions on a matter. Freedom of Speech does... Education & Career

+1 y

5 Disadvantages Of Being Really Smart

There are no disadvantages, only tradeoffs. Education & Career

+1 y

What I Really Hate About Becoming a Programmer :(

That sucks. I'm not a programmer, but I do sit in an office staring at a computer most of the day. I remember my first day at work in an office was spent staring at excel spreadsheets. After... Education & Career

+1 y

Why College Loans Are EVIL

I still don't see why college loans are evil. You never really got to that point. A loan is a loan. What you do with it is your own business. When people buy a new car or a house, they go to a... Education & Career

+1 y

How To Make Yourself More Employable!

Most new entrants into the field of professional jobs often lack the simple traits of personality and charisma. In many job interviews, the interviewer will not have the time or patience to... Education & Career

+1 y

Choosing Your Major In University: Why Its Okay To Be Confused

I find this a good take. It points out some very important facts that millenials never seem to get. The degree you earn, or the major you choose is neither a guarantee of a good paying job, nor is... Education & Career

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