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8 mo

Is it bad that I want my girlfriend to lose weight?

Seems to be a problem for you. Not the line of guys that''ll swoop in after you. Relationships

8 mo

What’s the last thing you spent money on?

Booze. I was sober for a week just to see if I had a problem. I do not. Other

8 mo

What’s your favorite thing about yourself?

My sense of humor. I always adapt it to include everyone, without putting someone down. Other

8 mo

I want to study abroad (F19) next year, but my boyfriend (M21) will most likely break up with me if I do. What should I do?

It will be easier to say goodbye for a few years. All the drama that comes with a ldr isn't worth the headache. Relationships

8 mo

Would you be pissed if someone gave your number to a coworker without your consent?

Pretty pissed but probably not as pissed as when they gave my number to a customer! Other

8 mo

Men do you respect women, women do you respect men?

I treat everyone as a basic human, with the freedom to live their lives in peace without my influence or interest so long as they don't include me. Those that do include me earn my respect over... Other

8 mo

How do you help people believe in themselves?

Observe them. Note the small talents they might be good at and encourage them to develop those talents. Set small achievable goals they can feel good about. Ask for their advice or their help with... Relationships

8 mo

What quality does your partner have that you were not expecting to be drawn to, but are?

The last one surprised me with her sarcasm. She always got the best of me in that regard. Relationships

8 mo

Dating A Single Mom: Are Men Really Turned Off By Single Moms?

No we are not but the stats don't lie in this regard. Parents will default to parents for a relationship every time. Most times they go back to exes, rarely do they find another compatible parent... Relationships

8 mo

Is a relationship worth it if it makes u tensed mostly , u are not happy & u feel jealous watching other couples loving each other so much?

Something is going on. It may be on their end or yours but if you have doubts like that, leave. Relationships

8 mo


Here's an old comic who might be able to help ya Relationships

8 mo

What do you usually do on your days off?

A whole lot of NOTHING Other

9 mo

What is killing relationship nowadays?

Too many people, too many sinkholes. Relationships

10 mo

Are women worse drivers than men?

I've been driving for a living for the past 10 years. While I initially resisted the urge to label women as bad drivers, I found myself accepting it a year later. People in general do a lot of... Other

10 mo

Have you ever found yourself self-isolating a bit too much? If so, how did you break out if it?

Baby steps first. I usually start by calling someone, after that a trip to a convenience store well after rush hour, beyond that going to a department store for after 9pm. Baby steps. Relationships

10 mo

What is your way to say I love you without saying "I love you"?

Roasting and teasing my girlfriend about everything, expecting the same in return. I only tease the ones I like and only Roast my loved ones. Relationships

10 mo

You randomly ask and get permission for 5 minutes alone to go through your parters phone, what do you do and why?

Text her Mom "Don't Worry, I'm Okay. Cops are Here." then turn off her phone off. Relationships

11 mo

How do you deal with a conflict avoidant potential partner?

I've always enjoyed this method Relationships

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