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What has been your biggest disappointment so far in life?
My dream career was in prosthetics, i wanted to follow that path since I was 14. I excelled in biology in school, and planned to carry on to university when I got older. Then I fell chronically... Family & Friends
What is the most annoying rock song of all time?
Definitely Born in the USA. Immediately change radio stations when it comes on. Entertainment & Arts
Who is your favorite music artist/band?
Hard to pick just one favourite, but this past year I've listened to caravan palace the most. Entertainment & Arts
Would y’all have tried and drank the Happily Ever After potion from the movie Shrek 2 if it were real?
Hell yeah, experience looking perfect for a day sounds good, just to see what it’s like. Entertainment & Arts
What movies tv or media in general gave you nightmares?
Mars attacks. F*ck that movie. My 5 year old brain was traumatised and I had nightmares about my loved ones being vaporised into skeletons for about 7 years after watching it lol. Also,... Entertainment & Arts
Where will you go on holiday in 2025?
The capitol of NZ for my babys 1st birthday, we’re going to go to the zoo. Holidays
Girls, Where exactly are you right now and what are you wearing?
In my house and wearing a black t shirt and black knee length shorts. Family & Friends
When do you (or someone else) usually take down your Christmas decorations?
We don’t have Christmas decorations to begin with 😅 im going to start buying them for next year though, I want to make my child’s Christmas’s special, didn’t see the point this year as he’s only... Holidays
In your family how do you open Christmas gifts🎁? All together or take turns?
All together, usually the youngest child is assigned Santa’s elf role, and they give presents out to everyone from the pile of gifts under the tree. We all open one each together. Holidays
Do you have any goals for the new year?
Hopefully catch up on sleep lol. I only have one baby and he’s a terrible sleeper, I don’t know how you do it Apple, with your multiple children 😩 Im also planning to get a new car. Mine... Holidays
Girls, Who did you tell last, and why?
My partner, I always tell him when it starts. Family & Friends
When santa squeezes his fat white ass down your chimney Christmas morning who is he gonna find?
Maybe just some dead birds or whatever has crawled its way in there. Our fireplace is boarded off and hasn’t been used in years. Holidays
Is it ever okay for parents to drop by your place uninvited?
Definitely not wrong for being upset with their actions. Thats is incredibly strange and overstepping behaviour. The only reason for parents coming by uninvited or unannounced that I... Family & Friends
Are you alone this Christmas?
No, I've got my partner, our child and family. Holidays
Does your family do any fun activities for Christmas?
We do a BBQ and then go for a swim at the beach. Holidays
What should I wear on Christmas Day?
Blue and white, sounds like a great dress for Christmas-y vibes. Black is too funeral like, and green checkered is too picnic like. Holidays
Please read, Narcissistic dad is controlling me, I'm stuck what can I do?
If your BD was abusive, you could reach out to a DV shelter and stay there for a while with your baby while you figure things out? Im not sure what else is available to you in your country. In my... Family & Friends
Did you believe in the Tooth Fairy?
Until I was 7 and caught my mum with her hand under my pillow, lol. Holidays
I have good reason to cut off my sister after I helped her yet she destroyed my home?
You are not obligated to forgive her. Forgiveness is earned, not an entitlement on her end. She sounds nuts. I would be cutting her off as soon as possible. If she can’t even respect your home... Family & Friends
Which of these Ninja's looks cooler to you?
Rikimaru or scorpion Entertainment & Arts