Questions: Shopping & Gifts
I wanna negotiate price when I buy this car. Should I negotiate before I see him or when I arrive?
I’m buying a Honda civic from a personal seller. He has it listed for $10,000. I’m wondering if he’ll take $8,000. Should I ask him through text or wait until I get there?
What was the last gift that you gave? Whom did you give it to?
Inspired from question posted by @apple1996
When was the last time you walked into a store for one item and came out the store with just that item?
They say this is a gender difference so let's put this to the test 😂 This is just for laughs, this is on no sexist shit lol
What size of bed do you prefer?
OK maybe I live in a shoe under a rock but I just discovered there are bed sizes larger than California king. How long has this existed? When I was kid I had a twin bed. At some point I got a full size bed. But most of my...
Is Bigger better or does Nice Things come in Small Packages?
Regarding Gifts would you prefer to receive a big present or a small one?
What is something that happened that you never thought would ever happen?
Thr local shopping mall closed and was bulldozed.
If I were to go out wearing the last piece of clothing you bought, what would I wear? 💎✨✨
What are some reliable sites for online purchases?
I'm thinking of Amazon (with which I've had good experiences so far) for new stuff, and Ebay for second hand. What other sites would you recommend? Purchases would be for electronics, cameras and lenses, toys... I want...