5 Little Things That Make My Day Better

5 Little Things That Make My Day Better

I'm pretty sure I look like this even on a good day but that's besides the point.

1. Day 1 of a Blizzard

5 Little Things That Make My Day Better

The first day of a blizzard has always been one of my favorite things the first clean layer of snow, having a legit excuse to stay home, drinking hot tea and doing nothing. Unless you get stuck driving in the middle of a storm or shoveling you can't not love it.

2. Studio Ghibli Movies

5 Little Things That Make My Day Better

The world is a cold and terrible place and most of us spend our days tired or unhappy, BUT Studio Ghibli movies still exist and that softens the blow slightly. I'm actually gonna go watch one after writing this because I need some pure vibes.

3. Spending Time With Animals

5 Little Things That Make My Day Better

My cat's presence never fails to mellow me out. Even hanging out with other people's dogs make my day way better. Are you having a bad day? Go hang out with your pets. Don't have a pet? Fine, go break into your neighbors house and chill with his dog for a few. Don't get caught or tell anyone I told you that. You'll feel so much better. 😇

4. The smell after it rains

5 Little Things That Make My Day Better

This only works if you're somewhere surrounded by trees and grass. If it rains in the city it just smells like soggy trash, but the smell of wet fresh grass makes my soul glow.

5. A successful show binge

5 Little Things That Make My Day Better

I haven't had one of these in awhile but they're my favorite. The first season of Stranger Things and Mr. Robot were the best to binge. Do you guys have any recommendations for shows to binge? I'm down to two shows and that won't do.

What little things make your day better?

5 Little Things That Make My Day Better
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