How to Handle Bullying


I saw a little girl get bullied today and so I wanted to get this also out for you guys, already told this girls to stop.

First of all, I know how it feels, I have been there and it's thankfully in the past. Because this part will end.

In short, I’m so glad that we didn’t had much access to social media back then, so I only had to deal with mean comments, jokes and girls trying to lock me into the toilet and guys following me home and trying to push me of my bike and all that. Plus comments that I’m stupid and ugly from my own family.

->So here is my advice for you on how to deal with that shit; disclaimer, this is mostly based on school Bullying

1-Talk to someone

One teacher of mine once heard the things they used to call me and she got so angry that she called them out on their behavior and I swear the next week was pretty calm and after that I must honestly say they started again, but it was only them making jokes.

So yes don’t be scared to talk to a teacher, a teacher who understands and who does care to make something better. Also If you have a good relationship with your parents, go talk to them! Go and tell them what’s going on.

->Raise awareness of your situation!

How to Handle Bullying

Communication is key. You could say it on your own or let the teacher make a lesson about bullying, that it is hurtful and about the outcome of bullying. I do believe that talking about this topic more, could help more people.

->Here, if you see someone getting bullied, say something. It can be as easy as just saying they should stop making fun of this person.

To add, I have a little sister and I already see that this is already a think and when you have little kids, just alone telling them to not be mean, because they could hurt someone and also that they would not want that happening to them, does help to raise awareness in a pretty young age.

2-Don’t listen and ignore them

When I got this advice back then it sounded so stupid to me, like how the hell should this help me. It literally does. The thing is if you don’t show that it is bothering you, they will eventually get bored and stop.

Also one big deal, while you ignore them, you have to learn to love yourself and get your confidence up, cause if you don’t care about the opinion of others, then you won’t even really hear them and it won’t bother you anymore. It won’t hurt you, cause you will know that there is more to life.

How to Handle Bullying

3-Perfection is boring

Remember that you don’t have to follow anything and it’s not important to fit in. you are you, the way you are and you are the only person who has the right to judge yourself.

You are your own person and it is your life. You should be happy and only you can define who you are.

Just cause someone tells you you’re weird or whatever, doesn’t mean it’s true! You define who you are. It’s that easy.

Life will not be defined by those few years.

Your life should not be defined by the words of some stupid classmates. Because you know what, after school this won’t have any meaning anymore.

When school is over, you will start your life and some years after that, it won’t matter. You won’t be in contact with them and start with university or work and there you will meet new people and you will figure out that being different, is actually pretty amazing.

How to Handle Bullying

4-Love Yourself

I started by ignoring what they said to me and tell stuff to my own. Like I used to get called ugly and I would go home, stand in front of the mirror and start telling myself what I like about me.

It started with a simple my hair is beautiful and plus I definitely have a better personality …duh!

Furthermore people reflect their own insecurities on others.

The people who bully you, are self-conscious too and they are human too. Everyone is and some day they will also learn that it was not a good idea and that bullying is not a good thing…cause Karma

This was how it started and here it takes time, Good things need time and if you want to read more about LoveYourself read my last myTake:

Moreover, people will receive you the way you present yourself. If you love yourself and show it by being you, people will get the vibe and know they can’t fuck with you.

-> don’t let yourself get pressured into sex or drugs or alcohol! If you don’t want to do something, then don’t do it. Be stronger by saying no to the things you don’t want to do.

->treat everyone the way you want to be treated

Be kind, because revenge is not the solution and yes trust me Karma will take care of everyone.

How to Handle Bullying
21 Opinion