Books that I recommend


Now,I am at another level when it comes to read books.

I will present my favorite books at this moment.

Religion for Atheists by Alain de Bottom

Books that I recommend

His books are more like social essays,but he is mixing sociology with philosophy,which is cool.In this book,he,an Atheist explains what should an Atheist know and what should he take from the religion:to be kind,to help people and you should read it,because it talks about an actual thema.

Books that I recommend

This book,written by Heidegger,was actually a course for college and it explains the concept used by Nietzsche and he explains the character Zarathustra .You should read it slow and take your time.Philosophy books should be read with patience.

Books that I recommend

This book is one of my favorites on this list.The story is about a girl,names Sophie and a teacher who is teaching her about philosophy.This book is not just about this story.Is very good for the beginners who wants to study philosophy,because it explains all the major philosophers,from Socrate to Nietzche in a simple way.

Books that I recommend

Cioran was very well known in Romania as a philosopher.His style is awesome.He is very pessimistic but,he sais all the right things,like:"you are not alone when you are with nobody,you are alone when you feel alone in a group of people"You should read how books.He is really good

Books that I recommend

Gabriel Liiceanu explains in a seducție way how he joined the "Păltiniș School"created by Cioran and the programms they had per day.He describes how he was in a Cabin with Cioran and stuff.

Wonderful book.

I hope you like my book list.

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Books that I recommend
1 Opinion