MyTake on Politics

Be prepared I go full tin foil hat on this one.
Be prepared I go full tin foil hat on this one.

I will start at the foundation of our country since that is the core of my problem with politics.

We are always taught in school that we have a democracy but we do not we have a republic. When the country was founded it was established as a democratic constitutional republic. This foundation itself would be bad but our government uses a convoluted system that has allowed people in power to stay in power perpetually.

Yes we have elections but as far as electing a president that power does not and has not ever been the power of the citizens but of the electoral college. I don't get how but many people seem to think this just means votes are divided into electoral points. No it is all decided by people assigned that get to use their special voting power. The only power that actually matters. Yes they typically follow the popular vote but they don't have to and have at times not done so.

Now we move onto the issue I have with the presidency. I believe it to be nothing more than the scapegoat for what congress wants to do but doesn't want the blame for. At any time if congress doesn't like a presidential directive they can use 2/3 vote to overturn that directive immediately. The advantage they have of making a scapegoat take blame is that if a president's decision is so bad people take action that president may be assassinated but if congress continually pisses off the people congress may be overrun with a coup thus losing all of their power.

The last thing I care to address politically is the smoke and mirrors that is our party system. We have 2 main parties and then independents. I think the right and left thinking is extremely unhealthy and polarizing issues to the point where you can't imagine a reason someone might have a different view makes someone an ass and a horrible candidate for running this country. I think these parties are set up to staunchly divide the country so that we agree on less and try less to work out our disagreements. I think it is in fact a single party system and one where the wealthy truly control everything. I feel if we are disagreeing all the time we are easier to subjugate and control. If they can keep us polarizing issues and arguing than we are also easier to predict.

When you think of elections and public opinion polls and all the data intelligence agencies gather and think of the game 20Q you can imagine how they can extrapolate that data to lead people to perform exactly as they want by predicting behavior and reacting to prevent people from breaking the cycle right before they have had just enough of their crap.

Does this mean I need to go get a weapon and attack the government? Is this a call to arms?

Absolutely not. This is just me saying I am aware and simply can't be bothered to care even so long as they leave me and my family be in peace, though I feel woke and want no part of this foolishness.

The end
The end
MyTake on Politics
2 Opinion