The Men In Black: A Weird And Creepy Experience That I Once Encountered

The Men In Black When my friend and I were 14, we were hanging out in the park around 6pm. We were just chilling out, sitting and...
0 1

My Second Take on Puerto Rico and My Culture & Heritage - Expanded

If you know me by the kinds of posts I write, especially as answers to questions, then you know that I'm very cultural and that my...
4 24

To be smart is to be sad

You've heard smart before, and alongside that you've heard wise, brilliant, and/or intelligent, which usually means someone with perfect...
0 6

"It's not what you hear, but how you listen to it." She said to me.

So, I have this older female "friend" so to speak. (She's actually kind of a stalker who works at my university campus as a registration...
0 2

Belief: The power to move forward

What is belief? The answer to this is different for different people. What or whom do they believe in is also different like some people...
4 0

It's just a dog , get over it!

Under any circumstances you shouldn't tell a pet owner whose pet just died That it's just a [any animal] That's just rude and...
1 1

Why I Love Women

As I've grown older I've had a greater and greater appreciation for women. No I don't love them because they can be bodybuilders just...
2 7

What does it mean when someone calls you Doña?

Like if they said to you “mi doña”

How did/do you work on yourself?

I feel like I’m getting farther away. From my friends, my boyfriend, my siblings, everyone. Everyone is getting ahead of me while I just...

What’s fucked up your day?

Vent time, what’s got you chapped today? Kinda pissed I’m stuck at work and couldn’t watch football this weekend 🤨 But on the plus...

Can a solid work ethic be sexy?

Seeing as its practically my only redeeming quality

How can I change my bio?

I am having trouble finding out how to change my bio I tried settings and can't seem to find the bio section.

Is it better to make choices based on logic or emotion?

Is it better to make decisions based on what is logically right but unsettles you, or what makes you feel comfortable but realistically...

What comes to your mind when you hear the word "coke"?

I have a cat named Coco. I call him "Coke" as a nickname and my mom doesn't like it because of the drug, but when I hear the word Coke I...
7 30

Do you use code words to let someone down gently?

This girl said,"can you give me your address? i had a card for you but i just forgot to send it. Sorry!!" Then i gave her my address and...
0 3

Do all the scumbags end up here?

I haven’t been here long. I’ve come across a lot of scum bags.
5 8

Would you think this is a mansion?

It’s worth less than mine.
1 3

Would You Push The History Eraser Button?
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Issue w/ carvana: Am I wrong for not signing the financial contract?

So I got a car through carvana. Issue #1: I like the car that I got but there was a lack of transparency as far as cosmetics when it...
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