
If you get into fight with a man?

If you get into fight with a man or maybe if you are angry with a man and want to teach him a really painful lesson... Would you?
If you get into fight with a man or maybe if you are angry with a man and want to teach him a really painful lesson... Would you? Show More
Preferably repeatedly punch his face/nose
Preferably repeatedly knee / kick his groin and squeeze his balls really hard
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Are the cape Malay mixed race Biracial people a new race of people?

Skin tones within this Community ranhesyfrim very dark to almost Caucasian. Hair texture varies from Very course to very Straight. Phenotype range according to the Asian, European and Khoisan (Bushmen tribes) ancestry.
Skin tones within this Community ranhesyfrim very dark to almost Caucasian. Hair texture varies from Very course to very Straight. Phenotype range according to the Asian, European and Show More
They are just "Part' of the "Broader Cape-Coloured ethnicity
They're just a night knit mixed race community
Love the ranging hair textures and their Mixed race phenotypes 🤗👌🔥
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Do you use COUPONS when you shop?

My local grocery store sends me in-store coupons for things I normally buy, and I use them. I also occasionally receive manufacturer's coupons, some for things I regularly buy and some for things I don't. Several years...
My local grocery store sends me in-store coupons for things I normally buy, and I use them. I also occasionally receive manufacturer's coupons, some for things I regularly buy and some Show More
YES - I use coupons
NO - I don't use coupons
We DON'T HAVE coupons where I am.
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Which is the more privileged gender in the USA?

priv·i·leged [ˈpriv (ə) lijd] adjective having special rights, advantages, or immunities - Women are MORE privileged than men: https://youtu.be/qdgym3E85ZA?si=8Hgicer8ANL9IoA7
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Were you a woman or are a woman who wears minimal makeup because your skin is naturally perfection?

Except maybe some black eye-liner, maybe some lip balm (to protect the lips) or some lipgloss or even edible non toxic tasty lipgloss flavoured/flavored mmm 💄👄💄👄 👀 I like light black eyeliner 🖤 on a chick with big...
Except maybe some black eye-liner, maybe some lip balm (to protect the lips) or some lipgloss or even edible non toxic tasty lipgloss flavoured/flavored mmm 💄👄💄👄 👀 I like light black eyeliner 🖤 on a chick with big brown eyes and flawless pale skin. Flawless 👀👀 so hot. So, hot 🥵🔥
Eyeliner ⁉️ I say eyeshadow
Whats eyeliner?
I almost poked my eye once with eyeliner 🖤 👀
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10 h

Did people in the 90s really had nostalgia for the 70s?

Since the 2010s were nostalgic about the 90s, I need to know whether people back in the 90s were nostalgic about the 70s. I heard people back in the 90s wanted the 70s to come back because the 90s to them sucked. Was...
Since the 2010s were nostalgic about the 90s, I need to know whether people back in the 90s were nostalgic about the 70s. I heard people back in the 90s wanted the 70s to come back Show More
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Girl #1
Girl #2
Girl #3
Girl #4
Girl #5
Girl #6
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Would you want a partner with similar hobbies?

Hobbies tell you a lot about people. Depending on your experiences, someone's hobby may make them more attractive to you than they were before. Would you prefer a partner with similar hobbies to your own, or a partner...
Hobbies tell you a lot about people. Depending on your experiences, someone's hobby may make them more attractive to you than they were before. Would you prefer a partner with similar Show More
Same hobbies
Similar hobbies
Different hobbies
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Have most women throughout history wanted children or did they have them because it was the expectation?

Now that women are mostly liberated a significant amount of them choose not to have children. Has motherhood been compelled for most women throughout history?
Now that women are mostly liberated a significant amount of them choose not to have children. Has motherhood been compelled for most women throughout history? Show More
Wanted them
Expected to
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How much are parents to blame?

On one hand, all the blame. They raised the criminal child during its formative years. Other hand, individualism.
On one hand, all the blame. They raised the criminal child during its formative years. Other hand, individualism. Show More
All or most the blame. Proper parenting woulda stopped it.
Individualism. We all make our own choices.
Mix: 70% parents, 30% individualism
Mix 70% individualism, 30% parents
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Yes i call it Pop
call it soda
I call it coke
I call it 'sodapop' actually
other term
I call it diabeetus in a can!
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Not answering the phone
Throwing money at it
Lying your ass off
Other (or all the above you fcking demon) (I’m a demon)
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More intelligent people should have more political influence
Political power should be equally dispersed!
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No, everyone has their own perception, can't be angry about it
Yeah, I think they be trying to troll/play devil's advocate
Yeah, because I hate having to explain things
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Watch Video... Show More
Yes! Why not? Doesn't bother me.
NO WAY! Are you kidding? This is SICK!
I'm not sure.
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If you dated a bisexual could you trust them to be with their friends alone?

Some people say that you shouldn't let your partner have friends of the sex that they're attracted to... What if they're bisexual? Does that mean they shouldn't have any friends?
Some people say that you shouldn't let your partner have friends of the sex that they're attracted to... What if they're bisexual? Does that mean they shouldn't have any friends?
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Psychology / biology
physics / chemistry
philosophy / history
math / engineering / design
Art / architecture
religion / theology
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21 h
In a moment
Same day I met them
same week I met them
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