Guys, Why does my boyfriend act this way towards sex?

boyfriend of three years now, is 29 years old. First met him we went at it like rabbits couldn’t get enough of one another. He was always submissive and I lead. As the years went on he’s became more reserved and doesn’t like to discuss sexual things, and even went the topic of sex comes up he seems like eh. Don’t get me wrong we have sex everytime we see one another (every weekend) but most of the time I initiate. He’s always down but sometimes I feel he does it to make me happy. I asked him if he’s happy with our sex life he says “yeah I’m fine” I say ok, do you want less? He said “no I don’t care, whatever you want” I said okay “ would you want to shower together?” To try something new and he said maybe, at first he said no because he likes to relax in the shower and then he said yeah if you want. I don't know why he’s like this I don't know if it’s me or what but we have had relationship trouble along the road pretty hefty ones that had to do with my insecurity. Now I know some may ask, when we have sex he definitely enjoys it, he moans and always waits until I finish. And for any might be gay questions he isn’t, I’ve seen him search Instagram girls who are half naked. What could the issue be here?

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Also want to mention we discussed things he liked and what not before, I know he thinks I give the best head and I give that to him frequently because I like too
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Superb Opinion

  • He's getting old. Honey, this is all part of the aging process and your boyfriend, I suspect, is an easy-going guy.

    As long as:

    1. The sex is still good enough that

    A) He still has a healthy erection and
    B) You both still get orgasms


    2. Everything else is decent in your relationship and lives


    don't worry too much about this. Men may not wear their passion, but, deep down, the feelings are there. Don't be bothered by you taking the lead on this - unless you have submissive fantasies.

    Feel free to ask me more or to PM me if you wish. Your boyfriend reminds me of myself.

    • He’s only 29, I would expect his sex drive to be through the roof. Also he’s very easy going always aiming to please me. I know he doesn’t have a whole lot of sexual experience before me but yeah

    • I think this is all normal. Now, if you want him to get a little more energized for him to do it (*), hold off on doing it for about a week or so. He'll get DSB and want to plow you. (*) You might be happy with his reinvigorated passion, but he might pop 1-2-3 and so you miss the Big-O.

    • He’s subtle with his hints of wanting to have sex he almost reminds me of the 40 year old virgin with that awkwardness

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Most Helpful Guy

  • The best thing to do OP is communicate with him.. we could say multiple things that won't add up and would be wrong but ask him about it in anon confrontational sweet way

    'Hey babe, I noticed you seem slightly more distant when it comes to sex and I just want to see if everything is okay, I feel your replies are less enthusiastic and it makes me feel uncomfortbale, I just want to have an honest wholesome discussion about it because I care about us'

    If he reacts badly, it shows soemthing is up... it'll be a good way to suss out what's going on

    • I did, he said “everything is fine, he feels good” he always awkward and kind of not experienced in the sex department but when we are having sex he seems to enjoy it no problem.

    • How long have you been together?

    • 3 years going on 4

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What Guys Said

  • I really think you should have another talk? Maybe delve deeper? Like maybe role play or fetishes he may like? Anything to get him turned on so he gets more enthusiastic and makes the first move again.

  • All this stuff is positive things in your favor. I don't think you have anything to worry about. Keep doing what you're doing and don't worry as much.

  • He bored from you...