I Hurt the One I Love the Most, My Biggest Regret: A Cheater's Perspective

I Hurt the One I Love the Most, My Biggest Regret: A Cheater's Perspective

I'm not writing this to excuse my actions, I am accepting my faults. I would appreciate it if my actions & mistakes weren't to be bashed. I just feel like talking about it. Thank you.

I hurt the one I love the most, because I was hurt. I think it's safe to say a lot of people don't think straight when hurt and tend to make mistakes.

I love him very much, I do. But the one who I really loved tend to hurt me at times. It hurt me when he had been planning to leave me the first few months because of my past relationships while I thought everything was perfect between us. It hurt me he had been considering leaving me over my past when I thought we were fine the whole time. It hurt me when he said he didn't enjoy making love because all he could imagine is me with other people. It hurt me when he thought I was cheating on him with his best friend when I had actually been loyal. It hurt me that he's always quick to threaten he'd leave. It hurt me when he said, "I think we should take that break."

I felt broken because when he said those words, I felt myself losing him more & more. He was going to leave me.

I was in a vulnerable state when an old, past lover of mine messaged me. It has been almost two years. I lost my virginity to him. I was in love with him. And he just used me. He left me. We never talked again after a stupid fight we had. I was broken. But I never spoke to him again.

So when he appears in my messages, out of nowhere, saying hi.. Of course I was curious. Someone who I used to love who pretty much just left my life came back again. I wanted to know why.

We talked about what happened.. I shared my side, he shared his. He apologized. Looking back at it, his apology didn't even sound sincere, but at the time, I was pleased he came to just say sorry after all that silence.

He then started talking about how it used to be. Our history together. The times we made love. One thing lead to another, he said things, I said things. We had been talking sexually together through texts. And at the time I was okay with it because I figured, well. He's leaving me. I've been hurt throughout our relationship. I just wanted to forget.

Now, nothing happened between us besides those messages. I never met up with him even though he wanted to. I ended up mentioning I was in a relationship, but that things weren't working out, that we were on a break and that I thought he was going to leave me. I told him if he left, then I would go see him.

I Hurt the One I Love the Most, My Biggest Regret: A Cheater's Perspective
I never did. We stopped talking. I made up with my boyfriend. & now the guilt was taking over. I vented about it to a friend. They told me to just block my ex out of my life, but to not tell my boyfriend because it would hurt him. I knew it would hurt him, but I couldn't hide it. I ended up confessing about it, &.. He was losing it. I've never seen him this hurt. He was crying. He couldn't believe my betrayal. He showed hate. He kept insulting me. But when I tried to leave, he went after me. He said he still loved me. He still wanted to be together. The whole thing was tragic and sad, seeing him hurt this badly, and knowing it was because of me, it made me want to die. I know, who am I to say that I felt heartbroken seeing him like that, when he's the one who's heart I broke? But anyone who isn't heartless would feel guilty about doing something like this to someone you love. It was a mistake. A really bad one. I should've blocked him right when he messaged me. I shouldn't have fell for it. And because of my vulnerability, I let someone who broke me in the past ruin something that could've been a perfect relationship.

Despite everything, he stayed with me. I feel selfish for letting him stay. I love him so much, but I know he deserves better. I just can't make myself leave.. And I know I wouldn't do it again. I know I've learned from my mistake. I know that since then, I've dedicated myself completely only to him. But I feel awful because I hurt him that badly. If I had to describe my lover, I would describe him as he does not let anyone in so easily. It's like he has this wall built around him that blocks anyone from entering his heart or prevents anyone from seeing his true feelings. He'd always hide and be protected behind this wall. He would never let anyone through. He would never let anyone in his heart. But he let me in. He fell in love with me. He trusted me. Only for me to break that trust. Which hurt him so bad, bad enough that he ended up closing off. Building even more walls that were stronger. Now it's harder to let me in. It's even harder for him to trust me than it was before. And it's all my fault.

He stayed with me, but he'll always have that thought in the back of his mind whether or not I'm being faithful or honest. I am trying. I am trying to regain his trust. I am wholeheartedly loyal to him as of right now and I plan to stay that way. I plan to do anything I can to let him believe it's safe to let me back in. Because I love him so much. I see him in my future.

I know I'm going to be bashed. I was the one who cheated after all. I know I didn't cheat in person, but I do still consider it wrong, talking to someone that way online. He was an old lover who's trap I fell for. & now my current lover's self confidence is ruined, he told me himself. That broke me even more. But I have no room to feel broken. Because I was the wrongdoer. I just feel so conflicted. I feel wrong for what I've done, but I also feel like I'm not even allowed to feel hurt from what I did to someone else.

Everyone shames cheaters. They're seen as heartless, the worst, unchangeable. But what about the cheaters who feel enough guilt to want to die? The ones who show remorse, the ones who have a heart, the ones who were just hurt themselves & made mistakes due to that. The ones who can never forgive themselves for hurting someone they really love. What about us?

I can already hear the people telling me to just leave him already since I'm the worst, or making fun of how I feel. But whatever. These are just my thoughts. And it makes me wonder if there are others that feel the same way as me. I also can't help but wonder if what I've done is really forgivable or.. are we doomed? I hate myself for what I've done.

I Hurt the One I Love the Most, My Biggest Regret: A Cheater's Perspective
I Hurt the One I Love the Most, My Biggest Regret: A Cheater's Perspective
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