The Truths about cheating that nobody likes to hear

The Truths about cheating that nobody likes to hear

This Take is inspired by some talking - and discussions - I've had with a friend and ex-manager of mine. Since we have developed a close friendships over the years, we have supported each other through personal problems of all kinds.

But this all changed when in a stormy afternoon of November 2019 she told me something she felt she had to confess to someone - she had an affair and cheated on her husband.
While I did my best to be a good friend and avoid being judgmental, I was left raising an eyebrow at her apparent belief that she was a victim of her circumstances - it's not that she took no responsability at all for cheating on her husband, but she definitely saw the affair as something that happened to her and not as something she made happen.

The Truths about cheating that nobody likes to hear

Since I didn't want to be too harsh, judgmental or take the high moral ground, I mostly listened in silence and avoided telling her my frank opinions, but since a year and a half has passed, I formed my own opinion about cheating - not just her situation - but cheating and affairs as whole and people who feel like they are the victims of an affairs ''happening'' to them.

So let's take a look at the ugly Truths I've discovered about cheating.

- The only victims of cheating affairs are the partners who get cheated on

The Truths about cheating that nobody likes to hear

Affairs are not passive events that just happen to people. It doesn't ''just happen'' for someone to cheat on your partner. Unless they were raped or blackmailed into it, who cheated decided in their full conscience to cheat.
You don't have the excuse of being seduced or not having resisted the temptation.

- Affairs and cheating are completely and easily avoidable.

The Truths about cheating that nobody likes to hear

If you are unhappy in your marriage or relationship, do something constructive about it such as seek out professional counseling - even if it's to help you break up - and talk to your partner. Waiting until you are sure will do little more than make help time pass and bring you to the boiling point of not being able to "take it" another second, making you much more likely to cheat or engage in ambiguous behavior.

- Affairs are planned and premeditated

The Truths about cheating that nobody likes to hear

Yes. Even if you're not fully conscious that you're planning them. As with most compulsive acts, affairs don't start in that split second you and your lover's eyes meet and you're consumed with burning passion and sexual desire - the affair can be set up and planned hours, days, months and sometimes years in advance.

- Affairs are not just about sex

The Truths about cheating that nobody likes to hear

True, for many people sex clearly plays a huge part in the allure of a new relationship or exciting adventure. Feeling attractive to someone is exhilarating and gratifying. Seducing someone can be a powerful ego boost. And, alongside being a tension reliever, sex can give you a sense of wellbeing.
For some people, it can be addictive and even become an obsession.
But some people do it because they really don't feel understood or appreciated by their current spouse or partner and look for someone who can. This leads us to...

- Affairs are not the easy way out of a marriage or relationship

The Truths about cheating that nobody likes to hear

When your ex is hurt and devastated, it will make any divorce or break up much more painful and complicated, more emotional and it will take far longer to recover from than it would have if you had come to the decision from a more mutual decision.
What's more, you'll have to deal with a vengeful ex, who'll most likely want to have payback on you. Even if they aren't that vengeful, you'll leave yourself a trail of bitterness and tears much worse than the one of a simple break up.

The Truths about cheating that nobody likes to hear

Someone who's been cheated on will be traumatized. It will be very difficult for them to trust someone ever again. They'll spend hours thinking what they did wrong and why they ''weren't enough''.

- What to do if the ''urge'' persists?

The Truths about cheating that nobody likes to hear

You have think and decide what's best for you, without hurting others.
Maybe you are just not ready for a committed relationship, or maybe you just need to settle into an open relationship where monogamy is not a requirement. Only you can know.
But don't lie, or cheat, or betray one's trust - even if it's an easy gain now, the price down the road might be really much more than you bargained for.

Thank you for reading, and feel free to leave your opinion!
A hug from me,

The Truths about cheating that nobody likes to hear
61 Opinion