A letter to my mother

I premise this isn't a proper myTake, but it's more of an impotent outburst I have to put down somewhere. I can't tell this directly to...
17 15

Natural selection has decided, that I won't make it

...Not in this life. Which is fine too. It's not the end of the world but it is unfortunate enough. Some depend on the others too much...
6 23

Why dating a friend was a lot more surprising than I thought it would be

I promise this won't be long. Tonight is the first night in a while, I'm spending at my place, after days, weeks of staying non-stop...
13 13

5 Little Things To Do To Make Her Happy

When I used to have a girlfriend, I did all these things for her and she loved it. Even though she left me for a rich guy, I still...
10 8

Why We Need To Stop Referring To Men As Controlling

Often times, we'll hear a story about a controlling boyfriend or ex. He doesn't like when I go out and wants to keep me home. He's so...
16 23

20 Hobbies That I Find Attractive in a Partner

A. When a guy is passionate about Music in some form like: #1 Poetry- I find it more literary but its the rhythmic appeal that I like....
5 80

Why you should know your partner's love languages

You know what your partner likes to do with free time, what kind of music they like to listen to, and what kind of food they like, even...
1 3

Did I go too far in bed with my boyfriend?

I told my boyfriend I wanted to dominate him in bed and he said he was down. So we tied his arms and legs to the bed posts and I mounted...

Do you like if your partner watches you sleep?

Sometimes (like this morning) I wake up to my girlfriend looking on me while I was sleeping. She has a thing with me sleeping and says...
22 47

Guys, when do you start being vulnerable with your girl?

My boyfriend (in his early 40s) and I have been dating for over 9months now. We had some challenges and struggles. Recently I had some...

Prove you don't have a STD before sex?

Would you be offended if someone asked you to provide proof/documentation that you are STD free? Should it be a standard practice?...

Hugging skinny guys, best ways to cuddle with tall skinny guys?

I’m pretty thin but as a female I have breasts and hips. So, whilst my frame is small, it at least provides some padding. I like...

What do you think about revenge cheating?

When your partner cheats on you, so you cheat on them in return for revenge/to make it 'fair'. What do you think of people who do this?...
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Do you trust people until they prove that they can't be trusted? ... or do you not trust anyone until they prove that they can be?

I am referring to in real life, of course, not strangers on the internet. I tend to trust anyone who is nice to me and seems genuine...
22 40

Girls, do you love being wrapped in the arms of a strong confident dominant type guy?

Guys do you like the love that you feel when a girl wraps her whole body around you?
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Do women find guys who do household chores sexy?

Just seeing what most women think. Please share your thoughts.

Would Men Rather Marry Virgins or Sluts?

Would you rather Marry a virgin or a slut?
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Your thoughts on short and skinny guys?

It's a biological instinct for women to want a man who is tall , strong well built and has good genes so that he can provide her a with...
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