Wicca Series (Part 3): Wheel of the year - Wiccan Holidays (first half)

Wicca Series (Part 3): Wheel of the year - Wiccan Holidays (first half)

So Wiccan holidays are very much based on the seasons of the year. In this post I will do a basic summary of the holidays. If you would be interested in learning more indepth information about the specific holidays leave a comment and I'll consider making individual posts about the holidays. An important thing to know is that the goddess is imagined in 3 phases: the maiden, the mother, and the crone.

So the first holiday of the year is Yule. It is the holiday that Christian's changed to Christmas. The idea behind Yule is that the goddess as the crone gives birth to the god. It is a time of celebration. It takes place on the Winter Solstice which is December 21st typically. It marks the darkest day of the year and every day after that it will get brighter. A lot of the celebrations are similar to that of Christmas. Mistletoe, parties, Christmas trees, etc. One thing that is different is the burning of the Yule log.

The second holiday of the year is Imbolc which is February 2nd, Groundhog day. This is about the goddess as the crone changing to the maiden. We are now celebrating the first signs of spring. It is customary to go for a walk to see the first signs of spring (the first sprouting of leaves, depending on where you live maybe some flowers). Another tradition is to light every lamp in the house, even if only for a few minutes. Another option is to light a candle. This is to celebrate the rebirth of the god.

The third holiday of the year is Ostara. This is the holiday Christians took and called it Easter. It is on the spring equinox which is around March 21st. It is a holiday of balance as the light and dark are equal on this day. It is also a holiday of fertility because now the flowers are starting to bloom. Taking a walk as always is tradition and painting eggs is always fun to do.

The fourth holiday of the year is Beltane which is May 1st. It is also known as may day. The God is officially matured. At this time we are celebrating the union of the god and goddess and between man and woman. Now is a popular time for handfasting (wiccan marriages). At this time we celebrate fertility because now is the time animals are mating and for new beginnings. We also celebrate our sexuality at this time. We celebrate by braiding our hair, dancing around the may pole, and having bonfires. And like all our holidays we take a walk to see how nature is changing throughout the year.

I am realizing this post is getting long so I will do this as part 1 and I will do a holidays part 2 with the last 4 holidays later.

Wicca Series (Part 3): Wheel of the year - Wiccan Holidays (first half)
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