Everything I Love about the Roman Catholic Church

Everything I Love about the Roman Catholic Church

And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it,"~ Matthew 16:18 (NKJV).

From spreading Christianity across the globe to transforming Europe into the most powerful civilization in the world and maintaining the legacy of the Roman Empire, the Roman Catholic Church is - or rather was until Vatican II - the greatest institution on Earth. It produced some of the greatest minds who ever lived like Thomas Aquinas and gave birth to Western civilization as we know it. It is the last direct link with the Roman Empire and thus legitimizes the existence of our civilization. Everything that we as Westerners hold near and dear that defines our heritage can be traced back to the Roman Catholic Church. It shaped the world into what it is today.

A Brief Forward: My Personal Background

I am a Mexican-American who belongs to the Eastern Orthodox Church. Though I was raised Protestant I converted to Orthodoxy as a teenager and never looked back. Likewise though this article was written in honor of the Roman Catholic Church, I am not Roman Catholic nor can I ever endorse the Church in light of its current day condition since Vatican II. I am convinced that Eastern Orthodoxy, at least as it exists in Russia, Eastern Europe, and the Middle East - the Greeks are too progressive minded and liberal - is the last true Christianity left in the world and that it possesses more doctrinal integrity than the Roman Catholic Church. Though I admire the latter, I can never affirm the Filioque nor the doctrines of the papacy, original sin, and penal substitutionary atonement. My respect for the Roman Catholic Church is purely of an earthly and nationalistic variety.

Everything I Love about the Roman Catholic Church

It Established an Empire and Gave My People Culture

As a Mexican-American, words cannot describe how indebted I am to the Roman Catholic Church. My people do not really have an indigenous culture to be proud of apart from the empire nor did we possess any true heritage that was worth being proud of. We were one of the mongrel races, which I define not in terms of genetics but in not possessing an indigenous Christian culture connected either to the Roman Catholic or Eastern Orthodox Churches. We were pagan barbarians. There was nothing glorious or honorable about our existence. This is what we were like before the Church:

Everything I Love about the Roman Catholic Church

The Roman Catholic Church transformed us from vile and pagan barbarians into citizens of a glorious Universal Empire. It gave us a real culture with a real heritage to be proud of, something that Protestantism cannot impart.

Thus that whole Latin concept of a "Universal Empire" that transcends race, geography, and time as it exists within the Roman Catholic Church really appeals to me. For the mongrel races - again, those without an indigenous Christian identity - it provides an opportunity for glory and honor. It gives us something to be proud of, something that we can all belong to. It is the last remaining direct link with the Roman Empire, and as such the entire mythos of the Roman Catholic Church is that of an empire, something that everyone can belong to regardless of their color and status in the world. In a sense, it is the one true antidote to racism and prejudice in the world. That concept that I too, despite being a man of color, can belong to a great and mighty empire and in fact am already a child of the empire the moment I adopt the faith. Everyone is an equal within the Church, regardless of color, status, or national origin. It means that unlike Protestantism, people cannot say that we are inferior by virtue of our genetics, nor can they pass laws prohibiting interracial marriage in the name of miscegenation. It forces them to accept us as equals, their siblings under the same Universal Empire.

Everything I Love about the Roman Catholic Church

This is something that Protestantism does not and cannot impart by virtue of its very nature. As a man of color, I long to belong to something honorable and glorious. Protestantism is the definition of a white man's religion, and not in a good way either. It is a white man's religion that has been deprived of its unique cultural identity and heritage, reduced to petty rationalism and modernity. There is no glory and honor. There is no soul. For a mongrel race like myself, we might as well have just stuck to our indigenous barbarian religion. It has absolutely nothing to offer us whatsoever that can satisfy our longing to belong. Only the Roman Catholic Church provides us with an opportunity to become citizens of the Universal Empire and thus inherit its glory. I cannot even attend a Protestant service without feeling sick to the stomach and repulsed. The bareness of their buildings, the lack of liturgical worship, and rationalism. It feels like an Enlightenment-era classroom full of liberal atheists and moderns like Hume. The fact that these people would willingly sever themselves from the Church and thus their one last direct link with the glory of the Roman Empire is completely unfathomable to me.

Everything I Love about the Roman Catholic Church

Being Protestant means being a retarded country bumpkin who drives a lifted pickup truck and has no true roots older than a century ago or so. It has no true roots or unique cultural identity and heritage to be proud of and consider glorious. It is American Gothic epitomized, whereas to be Catholic means to be a direct descendant of the Roman Empire and inheritor of its glory.

Everything I Love about the Roman Catholic Church

It Gave Birth to Some of the Greatest Minds Who Ever Lived

Though I am not a professional philosopher, I have always considered myself to be of an intellectual inclination. I have read more books than I can count including large, lengthy volumes ranging from history to theology, politics, and the classics. I am an English major and fall to the extreme right end of the political spectrum. I consider myself a proud fascist and member of the Neoreaction. I am a traditionalist who affirms the divine right of kings, patriarchy, and theocracy. What I love about the Roman Catholic Church is that it produced the greatest intellectual legacy of all time.

Everything I Love about the Roman Catholic Church

The philosophers of the Middle Ages like Thomas Aquinas and the Scholastics are the greatest who ever lived and quite literally the pinnacle of human thinking and reason. They took the teleological vision of Aristotle to its natural end and in the process legitimized family, God, and tradition.

There is no figure I admire more in the Roman Catholic Church than Thomas Aquinas, the founder of Scholasticism and Aristotle's greatest protege. Not only did he singlehandedly prove the existence of God, but he articulated the concept of the natural law as well as purpose, meaning, and design. When the Roman Catholic Church affirmed that the existence of God can without a doubt be ascertained by human reason alone, it was because they understood the arguments of Aquinas. Though I personally do not quite understand them entirely, it is fair to point out that neither do 90% of philosophers today including the professional atheists who claim that they have been refuted. The truth of the matter is that they were simply forgotten while morons like Hume and Descartes were put on a pedestal. These are the same arguments that brought Antony Flew, one of the greatest minds who ever lived, to classical theism at the end of his life simply because he had never been exposed to them before. Understanding them requires understanding a completely different metaphysical outlook that the world has abandoned for over five hundred years. Dr. Edward Feser is a professor of philosophy at Pasadena City College understands these things and has written extensively about them both professionally and at a level that is comprehensible to the average layman.

Everything I Love about the Roman Catholic Church

Ultimately the Roman Catholic Church was working to prevent Christianity from becoming the sort of backwards and emotionally driven, feminine religion that is characterized by Blind Faith like Protestantism where nobody even knows what they believe in let alone why they believe it. Has there ever been a debate between a Protestant and an atheist where the latter did not utterly annihilate the former without even breaking a sweat? The sole exception being William Lane Craig who actually grasps Aquinas' arguments even if he does not utilize them as much as he should, I cannot think of a single one. Protestantism by nature is an intellectually skewed and backwards ideology that gave birth to atheism and progressive ideology like feminism, egalitarianism, and individual rights. It led to the destruction of monarchies across Europe and advancement of moral relativism. It is the same sort of warped, Enlightenment-era rationalism that denies the literal presence of Christ's body and blood in the Eucharist yet claims that the existence of God can only be ascertained by faith alone.

On the other hand, I can name multiple theologians and philosophers from the Roman Catholic Church who can articulate the arguments for classical theism in an academic setting and defend them with ease from the most outspoken critics. Professor Edward Feser alone has accomplished more in his few books and dissertations than the entire testimony of Protestant apologetics over the past 100 years.

Being a conservative-minded, traditionalist on campus and an avowed fascist at that, I am extremely grateful for the Scholastic method of thinking and Thomas Aquinas' concept of the natural law. It has legitimized every single far rightist viewpoint I hold from the importance of the traditional family unit and patriarchy to opposition to the metaphysical absurdity known as same-sex 'marriage.' Because of my grasp on the concept of the natural law I have become the bane of homosexuals, feminists, and advocates of degeneracy everywhere. I can royally curb stomp my progressive minded peers and even professors with ease, all because of my grasp on the natural law and utilization of the Scholastic method of thinking. Delivering speeches in public speaking classes are the absolute best. I thrive on the hatred that I receive. There is nothing that warms the dark and bitter recesses of my resentful heart more than seeing the looks of disgust, anger, and outrage on my fellow classmates' faces when I completely shatter their progressive worldview as my captive audience.

Everything I Love about the Roman Catholic Church

It Protected the Sexual Interests of the Average Male

This brings me to the last and final thing that I love about the Roman Catholic Church the absolute most and perhaps the reason why I despise its current state so very much, though I will address the latter point directly at the end of this article. I love the Roman Catholic Church because it affirmed traditional morality surrounding sex and in the process protected the interests of the average male.

Everything I Love about the Roman Catholic Church

The Roman Catholic Church was the only true solution to the Elliot Rodger Dilemma above. It ensured that every male was entitled to at least one woman of greater than or equal value to himself provided that he proved himself as a worthy and productive member of society. It ensured that the average male like myself could reasonable expect to receive an attractive, submissive virgin wife on the wedding night provided that we did the things necessary to keep society functional.

Much ink has been spilled over the Elliot Rodger Dilemma above and the way that the Sexual Revolution completely disenfranchised the average male so that sex for us was no longer guaranteed and women only pursue the assholes at the very top. This forum alone is very well familiar with such ideology even if it does not quite agree with it. Thus I will not delve too much into it, but I will state, in summary, that sexual liberation only benefited the top percentile of males and made it so that the majority of women are monopolized by the minority of men. Essentially it led to a return to polygyny where there is no longer any incentive for productive male behavior because sex is no longer guaranteed and the average male is deprived of all hope and motive. Civilization is built upon the very basic premise that men are motived by sex. I will openly admit that there is nothing more I want in the world right now than to get my rocks off. Anyone who denies this basic fundamental truth understands neither anthropology nor sociology. Men are not going to move mountains and slay dragons unless there exists the guarantee of sex at the end of the tunnel. Sacrifice whatever bit of reproductive leverage I have in the name of progress or some abstract feminist ideal? That is never going to happen anymore than the productive sector of society is going to remain productive if the fruits of their labor are taken from them and redistributed to the unproductive sector of society.

Everything I Love about the Roman Catholic Church

In enforcing strict regulations regarding sex and opposing degeneracy, the Roman Catholic Church effectively incentivized productive male behavior so that in order to have sex you had to prove yourself as a worthy and productive member of society. It gave us a motive to move mountains and slay dragons, prove ourselves mighty in war, and cultivate our minds via education because there existed the guarantee of sex at the end of the tunnel for every male. It used to be that if you slew the dragon you could marry the princess in the end. There was no room for assholes at the top who contribute nothing useful to society yet monopolize the entire population of women. Every male had an opportunity and monogamy ensured that there was no shortage of woman. It was not exactly an easy task - to perform the heavy lifting in society - but at least it was clearly defined and every male knew exactly what he had to do along with the guarantee that victory would bring sex.

Nowadays feminist society expects for the average male to move mountains and slay dragons without being entitled to absolutely any of the traditional benefits like the guarantee of sex or an attractive virgin on the wedding night who submits. Women are no longer held accountable to absolutely any of their traditional obligations and duties like maintaining their purity for their husbands and being good mothers and wives. The average male is presented with more mountains to move and dragons to slay than ever before but with absolutely no princess waiting for him at the end of the tunnel. She is too busy sleeping with Chad, the unproductive asshole at the top who sat the battle out.

On a related note, since it deserves its own category...

Everything I Love about the Roman Catholic Church
Everything I Love about the Roman Catholic Church

The greatest thing I love most about the Roman Catholic Church is that it bestowed upon me the honor of being able to marry a white woman. There is no greater honor a man of color like me can receive than being able to marry a white woman.

Unlike Protestantism which passed miscegenation laws and dismissed people of color as inferior and unworthy on the basis of their genetics alone, the Roman Catholic Church made us all children of the Universal Empire and therefore free to marry white women provided that we maintain the faith and prove ourselves worthy as productive members of society. Like I said earlier, it is the complete antithesis of racism. It made us all equals under the banner of a common empire and therefore affirmed the inherent worth and dignity of every individual human being regardless of race, class, or national origin. It imparted a common culture and faith among us all, something to be proud of. There is nothing more I want out of life than to be able to marry a beautiful white woman of the Catholic or Orthodox faith and raise a whole lot of children together, preferably daughters because I have always wanted to raise a little girl. To be a traditional husband and father. Everything I do is for the advancement of this one goal and if it were not for the Roman Catholic Church, my dream would have never even been possible because Protestants would have forced me to marry amongst my own kind.

Epilogue: My Grievances with the Modern State of the Church

Having reached the end of my article, it is time to commence my bitter and longwinded diatribe against the modern state of the Roman Catholic Church and how it completely and utterly failed Western Civilization as we know it and thereby lost the Mantle of the Roman Empire. My main grievance with the Roman Catholic Church can be reduced to the Second Vatican Council.

Everything I Love about the Roman Catholic Church

Long gone are the days when the Roman Catholic Church occupied a position of prominence and authority in the world, actively shaping and transforming the culture opposed to allowing itself to be shaped and transformed by the culture. This is apparent in the way they allow marriage not only to heretics like Protestants but even to non-Christian heathens like Muslims and atheists. Any priest who would marry a good Roman Catholic woman and daughter of the Universal Empire to an Ishmaelite heathen should be sentenced to death by firing squad and have his corpse paraded in public as an example to any other progressive minded priests who might try to do the same. That is not to say that there are not still a few good, traditional minded voices within the Church. Professor Edward Feser is one good example as well as the philosophers and theologians. The problem, however, is that they are afforded absolutely no degree of real power within the Church whatsoever while the positions of authority almost always invariably go to their progressive minded counterparts.

Everything I Love about the Roman Catholic Church

Not even the Pope, the literal vicar of Christ on Earth, is affirming traditional Roman Catholic teaching or doing anything to address the current state of our culture apart from that which will gain him progressive brownie points at the expense of the true members of the Church. Just look at how he approached the issue of refugees into Europe and the United States. Never mind that there is a literal ontological war between Christianity and Islam. The Pope would just rather stick his head in the sand and pretend that it does not exist while the few of us who recognize this truth for what it is are dismissed as bigots and excommunicating for stating a biblical truth. Never mind the four centuries that my Orthodox people endured under the oppressive yoke of the Ottoman Turks, women that were raped and forced into the harems, and ongoing genocide that we are facing across the Middle East. The Pope refuses to take a stance against Islam because he is too afraid of being politically incorrect and opposing progressive ideology. Essentially the entire problem with the Church boils down to this.

I long for the days when the Roman Catholic Church ruled Europe with an iron fist and upheld family, God, and tradition. It is but a mere shadow of its former glory, what it used to be during the Middle Ages until the Second Vatican Council.

Where are fascists and traditional minded individuals like myself supposed to go now that the Roman Catholic Church has completely failed and abandoned us? I am a member of the Neoreaction. I will always seek out glory and honor, for the sake of family, God, and tradition. The Eastern Orthodox Church is the last stronghold of true conservatism left in the world, and although I accept her as my mother, she is not the religion of my people. I have no true Orthodox roots. My roots as a Mexican-American consist of the Universal Empire. The Roman Catholic Church will always be my true mother, even if she completely abandoned me and sold out to the darkness of progressive ideology.

The worst part of it all is that it has completely failed the average male. No longer are we guaranteed sex at the end of the tunnel if we prove ourselves worthy and productive members of society. The Sexual Revolution won, and the Roman Catholic Church is not doing anything to even remotely take up our cause anymore and hold women accountable. Premarital sex is all but normalized even in Christianity and the promise of a virgin on the wedding night is no longer there.

Everything I Love about the Roman Catholic Church
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