Why Foreknowledge Doesn't Mean it's Determined and Does Not Diminish Free Will


I am about to cover 4 basic views of why God's foreknowledge of the future is in no way meaning it's a determined outcome. I will show a video covering each view and later discuss which view I hold.


This was a teaching by John Calvin and Saint Augustine of Hippo. They believed that since God already knew what the future holds, that it makes it determined and that we had no say in it, that it would happen no matter what. That makes man have no free will.


Luis de Molina taught this view and it basically is middle knowledge. It covers that God already knows the future but the determined events was based on knowing which way we would exercise our free will. Basically saying our free will was controlled by God.

Open Future

Greg Boyd, who used to be atheist, now Christian, holds this view. It teaches that God knows the future, not terms of absolutes but in terms of possibilities. For you know that contradictions can not happen. For example, you can not eat a bagel and not eat a bagel for breakfast tomorrow. Only 1 of those 2 will happen. Although God already has foreknowledge of the future, it does not imply He determined it. The future deals with things that may or may not happen, not what will or will not happen.

Armenian/Complete Free Will

This teaches that God already knows what will happen in the future but that man decided which way the ultimate future would be. This shows that God knew what would happen and although it could be argued by atheists that it is like a movie or book being written to be played out the way God wanted it to go and knowing how we would choose, then God predetermined everything. That would make God unjust, so that's why this view it which I hold.

This is something I added in as why having foreknowledge does not show God determined it.

Having foreknowledge does not diminish Free Will

God created human being and angelic beings with free will. Even though God knows which sins you will or will not commit 2 years from now, it does not mean that He determined it. If God knows something will happen, it doesn't mean that He ordained or wanted it to happen.

My conclusion

As human beings, we know that if we decide to have children, then we are creating beings with the possibility of being a rapist but we still did not choose their path and neither did God. God gave them the free will to choose which they would choose. God already knows who will win the 2018 World Cup. It does not mean that the players do not have the choice to choose which side they kick the ball or choose how to play. Heck, even the referees may make a wrong call that changes how history could have happened.

If all things are determined, then it would make God unjust and our life would have no value but Free Will gives human life values over their choices. In the court of law, they convict you based on what evidence they have of your wrong choices. Free Will does not mean that you should choose which to do without consequences. You are held to consequences based upon your choices exercised by your free Will.

Why Foreknowledge Doesn't Mean it's Determined and Does Not Diminish Free Will
9 Opinion