Natural evil versus moral evil differences and why Satan is needed for love to exist


Here I will discuss some differences between natural evils and moral evils. This take ought to be basic and not needed to go deeply into to understand the reasons why Satan is needed for love to exist.

Natural Evil

Natural evil is a result of terrible things that happens to the earth like floods, hurricanes and diseases. Without such things, then having a world without things would result in a world without death and the population would always grow and never decrease because sin would not enter the equation. This would be necessary because there needs to be a balance between good and evil and choice needs to be taken.

Moral Evil

Moral evil is a result from Free Will being exercised in a way that is not to choose what God wants. You have things like murder, rape, robberies. These are all a result of man deciding to not do good.

Why Satan needs to exist for love to exist

If you have a world of no evil and peace was always happening, then there can not be love. If you can not make decisions, you are only forced to act in a way that you were designed to do. That's not love. Love can not be forced. Love has to be chosen. By God creating evil and Satan particularly, it shows that God loves man by placing evil as a consequence of rejecting love. If be could only do what we were designed to do, how can it really be love? It can't. Satan needs to exist for love to exist.

While there are many great videos covering this, I like Greg Boyd's view the best. He is intelligent and covers the issue thoroughly.

My conclusions

I know it sounds crazy to create Satan for love to exist because Satan is evil but He is needed. An atheistic view would be who cares if we have choice, just eliminate all evil. By eliminating all evil, you would not have love. Love has to be chosen.

Natural evil versus moral evil differences and why Satan is needed for love to exist
15 Opinion