On the absurdity of the atheistic eternal universe argument.

On the absurdity of the atheistic eternal universe argument.

Some atheist scientists and other atheists still try to argue, against all evidence, that the Universe is past eternal. We know from any number of evidences that this obviously is not the case. One conjecture they make is that the Universe is somehow contained in a giant time loop or other cyclical causal loop.

WMAP ruled all of this out. WMAP proved to within 1 in 100 trillion certainty that the Universe is Euclidian. This means the definition of a circle and the definition of a triangle are correct, and it also means we are not living in any type of eternal cycle that has ever been proposed by anyone. If we were living in a causal loop of any kind, the universe would be toroidal, not Euclidean, and that would be blatantly obvious to any astronomer with a powerful enough telescope.. It also proves that we are not living inside of a giant Black Hole or White Hole as Stephen Hawking once claimed in his books. If that were the case, the CMB would also be biased in an obvious way. The only bias in the CMB is totally explained by the known local motion of the Milky Way Galaxy and the known local motion of the Sun within the Milky Way.

The Universe is provably "open" and is not experiencing an infinite cycle of Big Bangs. In fact, it's accelerating its expansion due to Dark Energy, so it will NEVER collapse on itself for any reason whatsoever, and will eventually even rip itself apart and decay back into pure logic somehow, as yet unknown at the moment, but consistent with logic.

Moreover, even if a Causal Loop did exist, you would still need a First Cause outside the causal loop to explain what created the causal loop in the first place (Aquinas et al), as deterministic systems have a finite beginning (Guthe et al). Being a causal loop, it wouldn't actually be self-motivated and therefore couldn't be the First Cause itself. In addition, even if it didn't violate the other obvious laws of physics and logic, an eternal causal loop would violate Entropy. So it's nonsense anyway.

In addition to all of that, we're also not living inside a computer simulation nor any other ridiculous type of illusion you could propose, and so since we obviously also were not created by Chaos or any other form of randomness, the only thing that leaves is Creation by an actually pre-existing intelligence as the actual Uncaused First Cause, namely an actual Personal God.

On the absurdity of the atheistic eternal universe argument.
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