Some Encouragement I found for planning my life during this unproductive time - a Biblical View

Some Encouragement I found for planning my life during this unproductive time - a Biblical View

A pastor said "God does not choose the qualified - he qualifies the chosen." Meaning you don't have to have the skills or experience or knowledge when you first begin your career or your religious pursuit or your social obligations - God will allow you to gain those abilities over time

Jesus said the house that was well built dug deep - meaning - sometimes we spend fruitless months or weeks or years building our life foundation and people might not understand or appreciate our sacrifice when they see no house or upper rooms when the basement is hidden from level view but know the process work is according to Jesus even more important than the productive work that gets you visibility and recognition in the world so don't mock yourself or feel like a failure if your work is largely invisible and not something the world can see

Jesus said you don't have to achieve equality with the great you just have to multiply what you have and Jesus spoke of knowledge as currency meaning you don't have an obligation to fatten your bank account - you have an obligation to fatten your spiritual and social and emotional and psychological and philosophical knowledge and this knowledge is more valuable than money in determining how long you live and how God will treat you on earth and after death

Adam and Eve were called to work even before they ate the forbidden fruit so why would God make them work in paradise? It's because work is a blessing and not just a burden people fulfill to satisfy their bank statement. At least moderate and well adjusted work done by experienced and matured hands. When we work we are taking part in God's creation - God cares for the people and we care for the earth and the ability to mirror God in our ways brings us a deep satisfaction that pleasure and vain pursuit cannot buy. This is why Anne Frank said "work brings satisfaction." We might not like the taste of broccoli but I assure you we will crave it like dogs if we are denied vegetables for a week.

Some Encouragement I found for planning my life during this unproductive time - a Biblical View
13 Opinion