What I believe the most common sin is - It’s not what you think

What I believe the most common sin is - It’s not what you think

If you ask me what the most common sin is, I would say it’s slander and wrongful accusation. I had Christians Unfriend me for “supporting terrorism “because I criticized a Christian politician for promoting Christianity on an Anti-Islamophohia website because she was indirectly suggesting the other group was backward, the person who I friended me falsely accused me in their mind, thinking I was bad for suggesting Muslims deserved to be treated with respect.

I had a guy harass me for 8 hours on Facebook and make up lies about my personality because I criticized Donald Trump and said I did not want him in power, his philosophy was, Trump represented Christian values because he hated Muslims, or pretended to hate Muslims to get votes.

I had people avoiding me for social interaction cause I told some unusual stories about my life and they thought I was lying. I had Christians ban me from their church parties saying I was lazy and selfish because I would avoid doing homework due to anxiety issues and nervous break downs at school (during my first attempt at a degree). I had Christians ghost me cause they heard lies about me from friends who were angry I rejected their offers to date me after they gave me rides him or spent money on me and even now 18 years later, people are still hating on me because they believe the lies of my stalker who tried to rape me when I was 20 years old. He had a very good reputation so everybody believed him when he made up lies about me after his attempted rape and murder did not work.

What I believe the most common sin is - It’s not what you think
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