Search Results: Are you in support of #BlackLivesMatter

Black people criticising the #BlackLivesMatter for its hypocrisy, double standards and violence, which contradict the cause itself This is a must listen speech. This is better than all ted talks combined. He has summarised our emotions and pretty much said what people wanted to say in the past few days and...

Why should I support Black Lives Matter?

Hello people!!! Let's face it, there are only 3 types of BLM activists these days: 1. Social climbers trying to make a fortune, just like this. 2. Rioters. 3. White women signaling their sexual...
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Black Lives Matter: Facts versus Asinine Talking Points (Part 1)

Hello everyone, as we are all aware, 2020 has been a very *ahem "eventful" year and one thing that has reared its' head again is race relations in the United States after the death of George Floyd. So I felt compelled to...

Why Pro-black Doesn't Equal Anti-White For Me

I was taught to love and respect those that love and respect me by my parents. I practice a religion that tells me to love everyone, even my enemies. And not be judgmental. I was born with brown skin and classified as a...

Why I Despise "Black Lives Matter"

Well, I don’t literally hate the notion of saying that “Black lives matter”, what I hate, is the tendency to base vehement sentiments on pure anecdotes and guilt-mongering, which is what the movement often does. Facts and...

Where I Stand On Police Violence Against Blacks, and Racism

I have to admit it's been pretty appalling for me to witness racism lately here on GaG concerning the racial issues with the police in America. Of course, it isn't the first time I've seen it on the web, as I also saw it...